Plot the following functions with the given instructions
(Name the expression ex1)
x ranging from -3 to 3
ex1 := x^2 → - 6
plot( ex1, x=-3..3 ) -
(Name the expression ex2)
x ranging from -2 to 2, y ranging from -50 to 50
ex2 := 15x^2 → + 10*x - 3
plot( ex2, x=-2..2, y=-50..50 ) -
x ranging from 0 to
plot( cos(x), x=0..(2*Pi) )
y ranging from -10 to 10
plot( sec(x), x, y=-10..10 )
Comment: Notice that a dummy x is required between the function and the range of y's to make sure the graph has x as a variable. Try this problem without the x in between and Maple will not make the plot and comment that it is an empty plot.
(Name the equation eq6)
Enter the equation and plot the ellipse equation using commands.
eq6 := (x^2)/3 → + (y^2)/9 → = 12
implicitplot( eq6, x=-7..7, y=-10..10 )Comment: Notice that the ellipse equation must be plotted using the
command and that it looks like a circle. Add the attribute argumentscaling=constrained
to theimplicitplot
command see the ellipse as an ellipse. -
(Name the equation eq7 and expression ex7)
Plot the expression.
eq7 := x^4 → - exp(x) = 0
ex7 := lhs(eq7)
plot( ex7, x )
Use Commands