
  1. de1:=diff(y(t), t) = a*y(t)-g*y(t)^2
    s1:=dsolve({de1, y(0)=100},y(t))
    s2:=subs(a=2, s1)
    s3:=subs(g=2, s2)
    plot(s4, t=0..1)

    Maple Screenshot
  2. Now we solve the same problem but with a different value of g

    de1:=diff(y(t), t) = a*y(t)-g*y(t)^2
    s1:=dsolve({de1, y(0)=100},y(t))
    s2:=subs(a=2, s1)
    s3:=subs(g=0.001, s2)
    plot(s4, t=0..5)

    Maple Screenshot

    Note: All that changed in the ODE for this example is g but the graph is drastically different.