Computer Sciences Dept.

CS/ECE 252 Introduction to Computer Engineering

Spring 2009 All Sections
Instructor David A. Wood
TAs Mengmeng Chen, Maheswaran Venkatachalam, Daniel Wong



Some homeworks must be done alone and some may be done with a partner. Refer to the specific assignment's instructions. You may discuss your assignments with others, but you must do and turn in your own work. iCopying other students work will be considered academic misconduct for all students involved (both the copier and the copyee).

Assignments should be stapled and must include the names and section of the students (handin ONE copy for assignments with a partner). You will lose points if you don't follow this.

Assignments will be due in class on the due date. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED, except under extreme non-academic circumstances discussed with the instructor at least one week before the assignment is due.

Homework Assignments (& Solutions)

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