NOTE: Instructions might vary from assignment to assignment. You should check the page of individual homeworks to understand what you need to submit. The example below is just for your reference and is based on what we did for HW1, Spring 2012
- Make a folder for each problem with the following names ONLY
hw1_1 -> should contain all files pertaining to problem1 only
hw1_2 -> should contain all files pertaining to problem2 only
hw1_3 -> should contain all files pertaining to problem3 only
- Your top level modules SHOULD FOLLOW the convention that has been mentioned in the homework page
- tar these 3 folders to a .tar file
cd 'location_your_3_folders_are'
tar cvf 'your_CS_login_name.tar' hw1_1 hw1_2 hw1_3
Example: tar cvf zzz.tar hw1_1 hw1_2 hw1_3
- Move this .tar file to a directory
mkdir 'your_CS_login'
mv 'your_CS_login_name.tar' 'your_cs_login'/
Example:mkdir zzz mv zzz.tar zzz/
- Handin using the instruction below
handin -c cs552-1 -a HW1 -d 'path_where_directory_zzz_is_present'