Computer Sciences Dept.

CS 757 Computer Architecture II Spring 2011 Section 1
Instructor David A. Wood
URL: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~david/courses/cs757/Spring2011/

VERY Approximate Lecture Schedule

Week Monday Wednesday Friday
Jan 17 No class (MLK Day) Course Introduction
Read: Olukotun and Hammond Queue '05
Course Introduction
Read: Sutter and Larus Queue '05
Review: Hill and Marty Computer '08
Jan 24 Programming
Review: Hillis & Steele, CACM'96
skim LLNL OpenMP Tutorial
reference OpenMP 838 Lecture Notes
reference OpenMP Home Page
Review: Message Passing Programing (MPI)
skim LLNL MPI Tutorial
reference MPI 838 Lecture Notes
reference MPI Standard
HW 0 due
752 Highlights/Review
reference 752 Highlights
Jan 31 Programming
Read: Sorin, Hill and Wood: Chapters 1-2
Review: Mellor-Crummey&Scott TOCS91
Reference: Woo et al.
Blizzard, No Class Consistency I
Review: Sorin, Hill and Wood: Chapters 3-4
Feb 7 Consistency II
Review: Sorin, Hill and Wood: Chapters 5
Reference: Adve and Gharacharloo
HW 1 due
Consistency III
Read: Adve and Boehm, CACM 8/2010
No class
Feb 14 No class (HPCA)
Project Teams due Monday
Coherence I
Read: Sorin, Hill and Wood: Chapter 6 & Chapter 7.1-7.2
HW 2 due
Feb 21 Coherence II
Read: Sorin, Hill and Wood: Chapter 7.3-7.8
Draft Proposals due
Review 1 Exam I
Feb 28 Coherence III
Read: Sorin, Hill and Wood: Chapter 8.1-8.4
Revised Proposals due
Coherence IV
Read: Sorin, Hill and Wood: Chapter 8.5-8.9 and Chapter 9
No Class
Mar 7 No Class (ASPLOS) Transactional Memory
skim Herlihy&Moss ISCA93
review Moore et al. HPCA06
read Damron et al. ASPLOS06
slides LogTM talk
reference Larus&Rajwar, Synthesis07
read Aggarwal et al. Computer07
review Nesbit et al. ISCA07
reference Aggarwal talk
reference Nesbit talk
HW #3 due
Mar 14 Spring Break
Mar 21 SIMD
review Tucker&Robertson Computer88
skim Gokhale et al. Computer95
reference Leiserson et al. JPDC95
review Ryoo et al. PPoPP08
reference Luebke&Humphreys Computer07
reference Lindholm et al., IEEE Micro08
reference NVidia TR07
lecture notes Illinois CUDA Slides
reference Weiser Talk@UW09
read Lee&Hurson Computer94
reference Arvind&Nikhil TransComputer90
lecture notes Wavescalar Micro03 Slides
Mar 28 No Class No Class (Alumni Event) Miscellaneous
Apr 4 Interconnects
Read: Hennessy & Patterson, 4e, Appendix E.1-4
Notes: 3 Lectures on ICNs
reference Enright-Jerger&Peh, Synthesis09
No Class Interconnects
Read: Hennessy & Patterson, 4e, Appendix E.5-8
Apr 11 Interconnects
review Mukherjee et al. Micro02
read Kim et al. ISCA05
Scalable Systems
review Chapter 1 Barroso&Holzle, Synthesis09
read Barroso et al. Micro03
skim Desai et al. IBMJR&D05
reference Dean&Ghemawat OSDI04
Scalable Systems
review Scott ASPLOS96
read Abts et al. SC07
reference Apts Talk@UW07
reference Seitz CACM85
Apr 18 Review Exam 2 No Class
Apr 25 No Class No Class No Class
May 2 No Class No Class Class Conference,
10am-4pm in 3310 CS
May 9 Final Report Due Wednesday May 11th, 9am

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