addKeyBoard() - Method in class GameFrame
addMouse() - Method in class GameFrame
addUFO(int) - Method in class SpaceGame
Add a UFO with the specified type to the SpaceGame.


clearColor - Variable in class GameFrame
ColorOps - Class in <Unnamed>
A noninstantiable utility class to manipulate Color objects.
ColorOps() - Constructor for class ColorOps
createImage(int, int) - Method in interface ImageGetter
Create a new image with the given dimensions


darken(Color) - Static method in class ColorOps
return a darker version of the given Color
Defender - Class in <Unnamed>
A Lunar lander that can fire lasers
Defender(int, int, String) - Constructor for class Defender
Constructs a Defender at the given location with the given image
DEFENDER_SIZE - Static variable in class SpaceGame
The height and width of the Defender object
doubleBuffer(Graphics) - Method in class GameFrame


fireWeapon() - Method in class Defender
Return the bullet this Defender is about to fire.
fireWeapon(Defender) - Method in class UFO
Return the bullet this UFO is about to fire.


GameFrame - Class in <Unnamed>
A class for getting a double buffered fix framerate Frame onscreen with mouse and keyboard input onscreen.
GameFrame(String, int, int) - Constructor for class GameFrame
getBrightColor() - Static method in class ColorOps
Return a bright, saturated Color with a random hue
getBrightColor(double) - Static method in class ColorOps
Return a bright, saturated Color with a hue based on d
getIm(String) - Static method in class ImageCache
Gets the image described by the fileName.
getIm(String) - Method in interface ImageGetter
Get the file with the given filename from the filesystem.
getIm(String) - Method in class SpaceGame
Get the file with the given filename from the filesystem.
getImageName() - Method in class Defender
Returns the filename of this Defender's image
getMaximumX() - Static method in class SpaceGame
Gets the y coordinate of the bottommost row of pixels
getMaximumY() - Static method in class SpaceGame
Gets the x coordinate of the rightmost column of pixels
getUFOType() - Method in class UFO
Get an int represented the type for this UFO
getXPosition() - Method in class Defender
Get the current x coordinate of the center of this Defender.
getXPosition() - Method in class Laser
Get the current x coordinate of the center of this Laser.
getXPosition() - Method in class UFO
Get the current x coordinate of the center of this UFO.
getYPosition() - Method in class Defender
Get the current y coordinate of the center of this Defender.
getYPosition() - Method in class Laser
Get the current y coordinate of the center of this Laser.
getYPosition() - Method in class UFO
Get the current y coordinate of the center of this UFO.


hrz - Variable in class GameFrame


ImageCache - Class in <Unnamed>
A class to hold images and insure they aren't pulled off the hard drive (or the internet) more than once
ImageCache() - Constructor for class ImageCache
ImageGetter - Interface in <Unnamed>
An interface for a class that can create and load iamges
imageMaster - Static variable in class ImageCache
init() - Method in class GameFrame
initIt() - Method in class GameFrame
interpolate(Color, Color, float) - Static method in class ColorOps
Linearly interpolates between two colors based on n.
isDefenderLaser() - Method in class Laser
Returns true if the Defender fired this Laser
isHitByLaser(Laser) - Method in class Defender
Returns whether this Defender intersects this Laser
isHitByLaser(Laser) - Method in class UFO
Returns whether this UFO intersects this Laser


JET_SLED - Static variable in class UFO


key(char, String, boolean) - Method in class GameFrame


Laser - Class in <Unnamed>
A Laser that can move and draw itself
Laser(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class Laser
Constructs a Laser based on the given location and velocity
Laser(Defender) - Constructor for class Laser
Constructs a new Laser based on the position of the Defender
lighten(Color) - Static method in class ColorOps
return a lighter version of the given Color


main(String[]) - Static method in class SpaceGameMain
maxFPS - Variable in class GameFrame
mouse(int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class GameFrame
This is called any time the mouse is moved, pressed, released, or dragged.
mouse(int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class SpaceGame
This is called any time the mouse is moved, pressed, released, or dragged.
mouseDown - Variable in class GameFrame
mouseX - Variable in class GameFrame
mouseY - Variable in class GameFrame


numberOfFrames - Variable in class GameFrame


paint(Graphics) - Method in class Defender
Paint this Defender onto the given Graphics object
paint(Graphics) - Method in class GameFrame
paint(Graphics) - Method in class Laser
Paint this Laser onto the given Graphics object
paint(Graphics) - Method in class SpaceGame
Paint all game objects onto the given Graphics object
pause - Variable in class GameFrame
prepareImage(Image, ImageObserver) - Method in interface ImageGetter
Tell an image to start loading


recordHit() - Method in class Defender
Updates the Object to record that it has been hit by a Laser.
recordHit() - Method in class UFO
Updates the Object to record that it has been hit by a Laser.
removeMeFromGame() - Method in class Defender
Returns true if this Defender is dead.
removeMeFromGame() - Method in class Laser
Returns true if this Laser has left the game area.
removeMeFromGame() - Method in class UFO
Returns true if this UFO has been destroyed.
rng - Static variable in class SpaceGameMain


setExtension(String) - Static method in class ImageCache
Change the extension to add onto filenames
setImageGetter(ImageGetter) - Static method in class ImageCache
Set the ImageGetter so that we may start loading images
setXPosition(int) - Method in class Defender
Sets the x position to the given position
shootsThisTurn(Defender) - Method in class UFO
Return true if this UFO fires this during this tick.
SIMPLE_SAUCER - Static variable in class UFO
SpaceGame - Class in <Unnamed>
The class that arranges all the pieces into a coherent game.
SpaceGame(int, int) - Constructor for class SpaceGame
Contructs a SpaceGame object that will have have the specified dimensions
SpaceGameMain - Class in <Unnamed>
SpaceGameMain() - Constructor for class SpaceGameMain
start() - Method in class GameFrame
start() - Method in class SpaceGame
Display the SpaceGame window and start the game
SUPER_SAUCER - Static variable in class UFO


takeOneStep() - Method in class Laser
Updates the position of the Laser for the next time it is redrawn.
takeOneStep(Defender) - Method in class UFO
Updates the position of the UFO for the next time it is redrawn.
tick() - Method in class GameFrame
tick() - Method in class SpaceGame
Update all game objects


UFO - Class in <Unnamed>
A class representing a single UFO object that can move, fire, and be hit.
UFO(int, int, int) - Constructor for class UFO
Constructs an UFO object given its type and initial position
UFO_SIZE - Static variable in class SpaceGame
The height and width of the UFO objects


vrt - Variable in class GameFrame