Exam Information
CS536-S24 Intro to PLs and Compilers

On this page: Midterm Exam 1 | Midterm Exam 2 | Final Exam

There are two midterm exams and one final exam worth a total of 60% of your grade. Midterm exam 1 is worth 18% of your grade, midterm exam 2 is worth 16% of your grade, and the final exam is worth 26% of your grade.

Date Time Location
Midterm Exam 1 Thursday, February 29 7:30 - 9 pm S429 Chemistry
Midterm Exam 2 Thursday, March 21 7:30 - 9 pm S429 Chemistry
Final Exam Sunday, May 5 2:45 - 4:45 pm B102 Van Vleck

Exams are closed-book and consist of multiple-choice, short-answer,and written questions. The final will be cumulative but with the majority of the exam on the topics covered since the second midterm. You are responsible for material covered in the lectures, readings, and assignments. Note that some details may be covered in the readings but not in the lecture and vice versa.

Conflicts: Any exam conflicts must be brought to the instructor's attention during the three weeks of class (or as soon as you find out about it) by filling out this CS 536 Alternate Exam Request Form.

You MUST bring your student ID to identify yourself.

Midterm Exam 1

Thursday, February 29, 7:30 - 9 pm, S429 Chemistry


Covers material from

Lectures: 1/24 through 2/19

On-line Notes: Overview , Scanning , JLex , Context-free Grammars , Syntax-directed Translation

Programming Assignments: P1, P2

Additional information

Do bring: your UW Student ID

Do NOT bring: notes, computers, PDAs, cell phones, pages, MP3 players, smart watches, etc.

For additional practice with concepts, see Homework 0 (solution), Homework 1 (solution), and Homework 2 (solution)

A sample midterm (and solution) is available. Note that this sample midterm is from an offering of the course that had just one midterm and a final and so it covers more material than Midterm Exam 1 will. In particular, Question 1, Question 3 (parts a and b), and Question 4 are relevant for Midterm Exam 1 (the remainder will be relevant for Midterm Exam 2).

Midterm Exam 2

Thursday, March 21, 7:30 - 9 pm, S429 Chemistry


Covers material from

Lectures: 2/21, 2/28 through 3/11

On-line Notes: JavaCUP , Parsing , Top-down Parsing , Syntax-directed Translation for Predictive Parsing

Programming Assignments: P3

Additional information

Do bring: your UW Student ID

Do NOT bring: notes, computers, PDAs, cell phones, pages, MP3 players, smart watches, etc.

For additional practice with concepts, see Homework 3 (solution)

A sample midterm (and solution) is available. Note that this sample midterm is from an offering of the course that had just one midterm and a final and so it covers material from Midterm Exam 1 as well as Midterm 2. In particular, Question 2, Question 3 (parts c and d), and Question 5 are relevant for Midterm Exam 2. Note: Question 2 refers to the Mini grammar; you can answer it using the base grammar (and a copy of the base grammar will be provided on the actual exam, if it is needed).

Final Exam

Sunday, May 5, 2:45 - 4:45 pm, B102 Van Vleck


Additional information

Do bring: your UW Student ID

Do NOT bring: notes, computers, PDAs, cell phones, pages, MP3 players, smart watches, etc.

You will be provided with copies of the following references for use while taking the exam:

For additional practice with concepts, see