The First (Annual?) ISCA Hockey Game
Sunday June 5th, 2005
3:00-5:00 pm
The First (Annual?) ISCA Hockey game will be a friendly, no-check ice
hockey game open to all ISCA attendees1 (for an additional
$25 fee). This is an official social program of ISCA-32 and is a chance
to rub elbows with friends and colleagues with a common interest.
Participants that register by May 4th will receive a commemorative The First (Annual?) ISCA Hockey Game jersey
and lots of memories (and perhaps a bruise or two). Participants should
be able to skate (and stop), but need not be experienced hockey
players. Participants must wear protective equipment (helmet, gloves,
shin guards, and cup/pelvic protector at the minimum; full pads are
strongly recommended). We will use a regular (hard) puck, but slap
shots are restricted (permitted only if there is no one between you and
the goalie, since not everyone has full pads). No body-checking is allowed at any time.
The first 30 minutes (approximately) will be used to warm up (and let
those that haven’t skated in a long time remember how). Participants
will be divided into two teams of roughly equal ability and scrimmage
for the remaining time.
Registration is handled through the ISCA registration page. A $25 fee
and liability waiver are required.
Questions? Contact Adam Butts, butts@cs.wisc.edu
or David Wood, david@cs.wisc.edu.
Spectators are welcome (but hecklers have to buy beer after the game).
The McFarland Ice Arena is located about 8 miles from Monona Terrace,
about 14 minutes by car.
Community Ice Arena
4812 Marsh Road
McFarland, WI 53558
(608) 838-7451
1. Additional players from the UW-Madison Computer Science
Department’s SACM
Hockey Club will be invited to fill out the rosters to 10-12 per side,
as necessary.
1 John Nolen Dr
Madison, WI 53703-3468, US
4812 Marsh Rd
Madison, WI US
Distance |
Total Est. Time: 14 minutes Total
Est. Distance: 8.04 miles |
1: |
Start out going SOUTH on US-151 S/JOHN NOLEN DR toward US-151
N. Continue to follow JOHN NOLEN DR. |
2.3 miles |

2: |
Merge onto US-18 E/W BELTLINE HWY/US-12 E. |
3.0 miles |

3: |
Merge onto US-51 S/STOUGHTON RD via EXIT 266 toward MC
1.4 miles |

4: |
Take the SIGGELKOW RD ramp. |
0.2 miles |

5: |
0.7 miles |

6: |
Turn LEFT onto MARSH RD. |
0.1 miles |

7: |
End at 4812 Marsh Rd, Madison, WI US |
Route Overview Map
