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The 32nd (100,000two-th) Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
Madison, Wisconsin USA June 4-8, 2005
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Call for Papers
A slide show of Madison
Submission Instructions
Tutorials and Workshops
Final Program
Travel Grant
Hockey Game
Madison Information
Future ISCA:
ISCA 2006
Previous ISCAs:
ISCA 2004
ISCA 2003
ISCA 2002

Submission Instructions

Submission Deadlines

Abstract Submission Deadline: November 11, 2004 at 5:59PM PST (USA)
Paper Submission Deadline: November 18, 2004 at 5:59PM PST (USA)
Rebuttal Period: January 19, 2005 at 6:00PM PST (USA) - January 21, 2005 at 6:00PM PST (USA)

No further extensions will be granted.

Abstract Guidelines

  • Abstracts should be short, not extended.

  • Abstracts will be used for preliminary reviewer assignment.

Submission Details

  • Papers must be submitted in PDF format (readable by Adobe AcrobatReader 4.0 and higher) and formatted for 8.5" x 11" paper.

  • Papers should be formatted in one of two manners:
    • Manuscript: Single column, ten-point font, double spacing, up to 20 pages, including figures, tables, references, etc.
    • Final: Double column, ten-point font, single spacing, up to 12 pages, including figures, tables, references, etc.

    Papers that grossly exceed this limit will be rejected by the Program Chair without further review.

  • Authors should make reasonable effort to hide their identity, to facilitate blind review. Citations to the authors' own prior work should be included, but referred to in the third person. Acknowlegements should be omitted. Other identifying references should be removed to the extent possible.

  • Authors must submit abstracts and papers electronically after October 27th and by the deadlines above using the server at:

Conflicts of Interest

Don't forget to list conflict of interests with all potential ISCA reviewers and especially with respect to the Program Chair and Program Committee members. In particular, for all co-authors, please declare a conflict on interest with:

  • Your Ph.D. advisor and Ph.D. students forever.
  • Family relations by blood or marriage forever
    (if they might be potential ISCA reviewers).
  • People with whom you collaborated with in the last FIVE years. Collaborators include co-authors on an accepted/rejected/pending research paper, co-PIs on an accepted/rejected/pending grant, funders of you research, and researcher who you fund. You many exclude "service" collaborations like writing CSTB report or serving on a program committee together.
  • People who shared your primary institution in the last FIVE years.
  • Others with whom you believe a conflict of interest exists.

Webmaster: Min Xu, Thursday, 05-May-2005 12:03:56 CDT