Computer Sciences Dept.

Cold Glue Reject


I worked on this project while I was at Quad/Tech. There was a certain machine that was putting books in to cardboard cartons. The cartons where more like sleeves as they would allow the book to slide out if they weren't bound tight enough. In order to ensure that the cartons where bound tight enough, glue was used to hold them shut. If the carton machine stopped, any cartons that had glue applied but had not yet been closed where requried to be requected down the line. The purpose of this project was to add that functionality.


There weren't a significant number of chalenges with this project other than integrating it into the overal finishing system. Due to the complicated nature of each process, an existing process was modified instead of starting from scratch. Because of this, many functionalities in the original process needed to be bypassed and becuase this was in pure C, no object oriented methods could be used to do that.


This project was completed and tested successfully. No issues were reported once the proecess was running in production.

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