We list code shown or used in class here.
- Vyper Examples: Some basic programs written in Vyper
Operating Systems
In case you forgot some topics from OS class. Here are a few relevant chapters. You don't need to know everything that is written here, but they are a good starting point to give you a good understanding of computer systems.
- Cp. 4: Processes
- Cp. 26: Concurrency and Threads
- Cp. 28: Locks
- Cp. 30: Condition Variables
- Cp. 48: Distributed Systems
Distributed Systems
Some additional resources on distributed systems will be posted here.
- Designing data-intensive applications: This book gives a really great introduction to distributed systems. The link goes directly to the university library, so you can read it for free when connected to the UW VPN.
Additional Blockchain Material
More reading material, not required for class.
- Mastering Ethereum: Covers some of the basic of Ethereum
- Bitcoin Wiki: Lots of information about the Bitcoin protocol