Erika Kretzmer

November 6, 2006

Erika Kretzmer

ekretzmer at gmail dotcom

(608) 354-1858 (mobile)

PO Box 259975

Madison, WI 53725


Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. PhD, Neuroscience, May 2006. Dissertation , “An examination of the spiral ganglion neurons of the cochlea after use of a cochlear implant,” successfully defended February 21, 2006.

University of Wisconsin at Madison, May 2000. College of Letters and Sciences. B.S. Double major in Computer Science and Molecular Biology.


Kretzmer EA, Meltzer NE, Haenggeli CA, Ryugo DK. (2004). “An animal model for cochlear implants.” Archives of Otolaryngology. 130: 499-508.

*Ryugo DK, *Kretzmer EA, Niparko JK. (2005). “Restoration of Auditory Nerve Synapses in Cats by Cochlear Implants.” Science. 310: 1490-1492. * Joint first authors


2005 Ruth Kirschstein National Research Service Award, grant 5F31DC5864

Research Experience

2001-2006: Lab of Dr. DK Ryugo. Demonstrated direct and indirect prevention of synaptic abnormalities by cochlear electrical stimulation in the auditory nerve. Description of synaptic ultrastructure using electron microscopy. Measurement of synaptic features by 3D reconstruction of nerve terminals and whole neurons. Description of cochlear parameters by in vivo electrophysiology and subsequent histology.

Spring 2001: Lab of Dr. A Kirkwood. LTP induction in rat cortical slice.

Fall 2000: Lab of Dr. CE Connor. Study of concave versus convex shape perception using fMRI in human subjects.

Winter 1998 to Fall 1999: Lab of Dr. GG Borisy. Microtubule dynamics in melanophores and mammalian cell lines.


Spring 2002: Teaching assistant for neuroanatomy lab at Johns Hopkins University under the supervision of Dr. Larry Schramm. Delivered one lecture.

Fall 2001 and 2002: Teaching assistant for Topics in Neuroscience with Dr. Michael Steinmetz. Prepared and delivered one lecture, wrote lecture notes, and held office hours.

1994-1995: Taught beginning piano lessons for five elementary age students. Held a year-end recital.

Presentations at Scientific Meetings

Association for Research in Otolaryngology

2005 “Prevention of synaptic abnormalities by cochlear implantation in cats.” EA Kretzmer, T Pongstaporn, CA Haenggeli, C Limb, J Niparko, and DK Ryugo

2004 “The effects of cochlear implantation on auditory nerve synapses in congenitally deaf white cats.” EA Kretzmer, K Montey, and DK Ryugo

2002 “3-Dimensional Reconstructions of Cochlear Nucleus Neurons in Guinea Pigs: Structure-Function Relationships Revealed in the in vitro Whole Brain Preparation.” EA Kretzmer, AV Jacomme, EM Rouiller, A Babalian, and DK Ryugo

This page updated on November 6, 2006.