Erika Kretzmer |
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Erika Kretzmer (608) 354-1858 (mobile) |
PO Box 259975 Madison, WI 53725 |
Profile and Objective
I enjoy transforming business visions into software solutions. I seek a position in which I can use my strong analytic skills, while challenging myself to learn new technologies.
Work experience
Database developer, Customer Potential Management. November 2006 to present.
Integrated hospital data sources into a proprietary standard data model for use in a CRM marketing strategy.
Database developer, Danisco. September 2006
Designed Microsoft Access application to manage product specifications.
Graduate Assistant, Johns Hopkins University. 2001-2006.
Researched a question in clinical neuroscience and designed experiments that improved physicians' understanding of auditory prosthetic function. Under the guidance of Dr. David Ryugo.
Graduate assistant, Johns Hopkins University. 2000-2001.
Researched a question in vision using functional imaging of the human brain. Under the supervision of Dr. Ed Connor.
Teaching assistant, Johns Hopkins University. 2001-2002.
Taught medical and undergraduate students in two courses.
Computer operator, Group Health Cooperative. 1998-2000.
End-user support and system maintenance for AS/400 and Windows environments.
Other Employment and Volunteer Work
Google Answers, 2002-2006. Answered intriguing questions about science and other topics.
Secretary, Madison Community Cooperative, 2000. Reported on board meetings
Treasurer, Women’s Cooperative 1999-2000. Accounts receivable and payable. Prepared budget for eight member housing cooperative.
Formal Education
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. PhD, Neuroscience, May 2006. Dissertation, “The spiral ganglion neurons of the cochlea after use of a cochlear implant”.
University of Wisconsin at Madison, May 2000. College of Letters and Sciences.
Double major in Computer Science and Molecular Biology.
Selected Courses, UW-Madison
Database Management Systems (564, B)
Topics in computing – Bioinformatics (802, B)
Biophysical chemistry (565, A)
Overall GPA, 3.3
DK Ryugo*, EA Kretzmer*, JK Niparko. (2005) “Restoration of auditory nerve synapses in cats by cochlear implants.” Science. 310: 1490-1492. *Joint first authors.
EA Kretzmer, NE Meltzer, CA Haenggeli, DK Ryugo. (2004). “An animal model for cochlear implants.” Archives of Otolaryngology. 130: 499-508.
Microsoft Office (Word, Powerpoint, Access, Excel, and Visual Basic), Photoshop, Acrobat, SAP, JMP, ImageJ, and other software.
Computer languages
Visual Basic, ASP, SQL, HTML, css, Java (ImageJ API), c++ (gcc and Visual Studio), and others.
Administration of Windows 2000, XP, and NT, Mandrake Linux, AS/400. Familiarity with Mac OS X, OS 7-9.
This page updated on November 6, 2006.