Why do I love the Taurian Concordat so much?
Who can say? I guess I just do. Back in my Formative Years, I liked the Taurian Concordat because it seemed strong, yet isolated; proudly independent of the political currents of the Inner Sphere. The idea of a peace-loving people who preferred to remain aloof from the ravages of total war, yet are still more than competent at war when forced, appeals to me, and the tales from the original Periphery sourcebook and Star League sourcebook of brave Taurian patriots fighting off six corps of SLDF troops won me over. (That's roughly 90 divisions of 9 regiments each!)
In the present, the Taurian Concordat enjoys an enviable position among states. Its economy is booming, its military is strong, its government is stable; it has not been at war in 245 years (as of 3059), and that little misadventure is best left to rest. It has a strong ally in the Magistracy of Canopus, and the new colony worlds the Alliance is founding will set the stage for a strong, stable Rimward Periphery Region for years to come (barring intervention by some imperialist state from the Inner Sphere or the Clans).
Of course, no nation is perfect; even the Taurian Concordat has its problems. It is small, and its military weak, compared to the Inner Sphere states, and sooner or later, one of those states will seek to conquer the Taurian Concordat. That is why I am a firm proponent of the Far Lookers' colonization efforts; the Inner Sphere will not in my opinion be united for a long, long time, and if they war against each other and against the clans for another 300 years, then when they finally turn their lustful gaze towards the Periphery, the Taurian Concordat may be strong enough to hold its own. Finally, as long as the Taurian Concordat grows, it will avoid the kind of stagnation and decline that has plagued the states of the Inner Sphere.
Also in my opinion, the best way to keep the Taurian Concordat from being swallowed up in the Inner Sphere's struggles is to avoid political and military alliances with the Inner Sphere states. (As long as they're fighting each other, they won't have any time to fight us.) A possible exception might be made for the case of the St. Ives Compact, but its hostile neighbor, the Capellan Confederation and its ally, the Free Worlds League are strong counters to the idea of such an alliance.
Some original Taurian Concordat material of my own:
Technical Readout: Taurian Concordat
1st Taurian Rangers - A Combined-Arms Regiment
Some essays concerning the Taurian Concordat
Some Taurian Concordat material of others (placed in the order that I
discovered them):
Alan's Taurian Concordat Page
Taurian Concordat Ministry of Information
(also maintained by Alan Eaton - Under Construction for the time being)
The Company Store: Taurian Concordat information
Multiplayer Battletech - Taurian Concordat Faction Home Page
The Taurian Concordat
- Mechwarrior 2 clan home page
The Taurian Concordat
- affiliated with the Multiplayer Battletech faction, I think.
Taurian Concordat
- affiliated with
History of the Periphery States
The Inner Sphere: Taurian Concordat
Taurian Concordat
Last but not least:
Jon Ivars' Taurian
Concordat page
Whew! That's a lot more than I expected when I started out. Thank
goodness for
Alta Vista