Computer Sciences Dept.

CS/ECE 752 Advanced Computer Architecture I Fall 2004 Section 1
Instructor Mark D. Hill and T. A. Andrey Litvin
URL: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~markhill/cs752/Fall2004/

Contact Information

Instructor: Mark D. Hill

Office:         6373 Comp Sci and Stat
Email:          Email Address of Mark Hill
Office hours:   Monday 2:00-3:00pm 
                Thursday 1:30-2:30pm
                or by appointment

Teaching Assistant: Andrey Litvin

Office:         1308 Comp Sci and Stat
Email:          adlitvin@cs.wisc.edu
Office hours:   Tuesday 12:30-2:00 
                Friday 12:30-2:00
                or by appointment

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