Computer Sciences Dept.

CS/ECE 752 Advanced Computer Architecture I Fall 2004 Section 1
Instructor Mark D. Hill and T. A. Andrey Litvin
URL: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~markhill/cs752/Fall2004/

Paper Reviews and Class Participation

Students are expected to have completed the assigned readings before attending class and actively participate in discussions.

To facilitate great class discussions, students must submit an email review of selected papers at least 30 minutes before the lecture for which the paper is assigned. I will email review assignments to the class mailing list and post them below. Late reviews will not be accepted and the time is based on when the email is received, not sent.

Reviews should be emailed to the TA (adlitvin@cs.wisc.edu) with:

  • Subject: 752 Review of Author1 et al.: Title1.

The ASCII body of the message (NOT an attachment; NOT HTML) should be 20 to 40 lines (maximum 3200 characters) with:

  • a short paragraph summarizing the problem attacked or goal of the paper,
  • a short paragraph summarizing the paper's methods (if any) and results, and
  • a short paragraph giving your opinion of what is good and bad about the paper.

Reviews will be graded on a scale of Excellent (10 points), Satisfactory (7 points), and Unsatisfactory (3 points). Reviews that are too long will automatically receive an Unsatisfactory grade. We may grade reviews via sampling (i.e., grade all reviews but for only some of the papers).

Students are encouraged to discuss the papers before writing their reviews, but each student must write their own independent review. Reading another student's review prior to submitting your own constitutes academic misconduct.

Review Due Dates & Assignments:

Reading List for Exam 1

  • Due Tue Sep 7, 752 Review of Moore: Cramming More Components ...
  • Due Thu Sep 9, 752 Review of Wulf: Compilers and Computer Architecture
  • Due Tue Sep 14, 752 Review of Emer & Clark: A Characterization ... VAX-11/780
  • Due Tue Sep 21, 752 Review of Smith & Pleszkun: Implementing Precise Interrupts...
  • Due Thu Sep 23, 752 Review of Yeh & Patt: Two-level Adaptive Training Branch Prediction
  • Due Tue Sep 28, 752 Review of Gochman et al.: Intel Pentium M ...
  • Due Thu Sep 30, 752 Review of Tullsen et al.: ... Simultaneous Multithreading Processor

Reading List for Exam 2

  • Due Thu Oct 14, 752 Review of McNairy/Soltis: Itanium 2 Processor Microarchitecture
  • Due Tue Oct 19, 752 Review of Russell: The Cray-1 Computer System
  • Due Tue Oct 26, 752 Review of Jouppi: Improving Direct-Mapped Cache Performance ...
  • Due Tue Nov 2, 752 Review of Cain and Lipasti: Memory Ordering ...
  • Due Thu Nov 4, 752 Review of Jacob and Mudge: Virtual Memory ...
  • Due Thu Nov 4, Read (but no Review) of Wang, Baer, and Levy: Organization and Performance ...
  • Due Tue Nov 9, Read (but no Review) of Kim, et al.: An Adaptive, Non-Uniform Cache Structure ...
  • Due Thu Nov 11, 752 Review of Patterson, et al.: A Case for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)
  • Due Tue Nov 23, Read (but no Review) of Adiletta, et al.: ... Intel IXP Network Processors
  • That's It!

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