Computer Sciences Dept.

CS/ECE 757 Advanced Computer Architecture II Spring 2005 Section 1
Instructor Mark D. Hill and T. A. Bhavesh Mehta

Recommended Texts

  John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson,
  Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
  Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Third Edition, 2002.
  (Especially Chapter 6 and 8)

  Mark D. Hill, Norman P. Jouppi, and Gurindar S. Sohi
  Readings in Computer Architecture
  Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2000.
  (Especially Chapter 9)

Neither are at the bookstore for CS/ECE 757, because I assume that most of you purchased them last semester for CS/ECE 752.

Assigned Readings

Students will be taught to read the literature through many papers:

Offline References

  • David Culler and J. P. Singh with Anoop Gupta, Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware/Software Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1998. A (too) thorough reference that was the CS/ECE 757 text from 1998 to 2004. This tome is a good buy if you are staying in computer architecture.
  • G. S. Almasi and A. Gottlieb, Highly Parallel Computing, Benjamin/Cummings, 2nd Ed., 1994.
  • William Dally and Brian Towles, Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003.
  • Jose Duato, Sudhakar Yalamanchili, and Lionel Ni, Interconnection Networks, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2002.
  • Harold Stone, High-Performance Computer Architecture, Addison-Wesley, 3rd Ed., 1993.

Online References

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