CS 640, Fall 2021: Introduction to Computer Networks


This course is an introduction to computer networks and is suitable for undergraduates and beginning graduate students. The course will investigate computer networks and network protocols from both a conceptual and implementation standpoint. The primary focus of the course will be on fundational ideas, architecture, protocols and software used in networks that comprise the Internet. Expect us to cover the majority of the topics in the Peterson and Davie textbook (see details below). Major topics of this course will include:

General Information

Prerequisites: CS 537
Credits: 3
Lecture time: TuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AM
Location: Humanities 1121
Mailing List: compsci640-1-f21@g-groups.wisc.edu

Course Staff


NameEmailOfficeOffice Hours
Ming Liu 7379, Computer Sciences TuTh 2:00PM - 3:00PM, or by appointment

Teaching Assistants

NameEmailOfficeOffice Hours
Hailey Johnson 3215, Computer Sciences MW 1:00PM - 2:00PM, or by appointment
Partho Sarthi 3209, Computer Sciences WF 1:00PM - 2:00PM, or by appointment


NameEmailOfficeOffice Hours
Aditya Kaushik Kota N/A N/A
Srinivas Pothuraju N/A N/A

Course Policies

Collaboration: I encourage discussions with others in the class to clarify questions about labs, problem statements, and lectures/lecture materials. Please use Piazza as the forum for all such discussions.
Incompletes: No Incompletes will be given.

Created using coursegen designed by Dave Anderson and Nick Feamster.

Last updated: 2021-12-08 20:22:50 -0600 [validate xhtml]