CS 740, Spring 2022: Advanced Computer Networks


This course is a graduate course in computer networking. Its goals are to understand the core concepts, and explore the state of the art in select networking protocols, algorithms, and technologies. Students will learn how to engage in networking research, and gain experience in critical reading and discussion of research papers. We will study a mix of classic papers and more recent work, and discuss them in great details. This will range from critiquing the idea in the paper and the evaluation, as well as applications of the ideas to other problem domains, and directions for future research in the general area. Major topics of this course will include: networking architecture, routing, queueing, flow scheduling, load balancing, resource sharing, SDN, programmable networks, congestion control, network monitoring, and endhost networking stack.

General Information

Prerequisites: CS 640 or an equivalent undergraduate Computer Networks course
Credits: 3
Lecture time: TuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AM
Location: CS 1325
Mailing List: compsci740-1-s22@g-groups.wisc.edu

Course Staff


NameEmailOfficeOffice Hours
Ming Liu 7379, Computer Sciences Th 2:00PM - 3:00PM, or by appointment

Course Policies

Collaboration: I encourage discussions with others in the class to clarify questions about readings, assignments, and projects. Please use Piazza as the forum for all such discussions.
Incompletes: No Incompletes will be given.
Inclusion Statement: In our class we strive to create an environment where everyone willing to do their part can learn and thrive. You should always feel free to ask a question: asking and pondering questions is how we learn. Being confused is unfailingly an opportunity to advance our knowledge. Please, commit to helping create a climate where we treat everyone with dignity and respect. Listening to different viewpoints and approaches enriches our experience, and it is up to us to be sure others feel safe to contribute. Creating an environment where we are all comfortable learning is everyone's job: offer support and seek help from others if you need it, not only in class but also outside class while working with classmates.

Created using coursegen designed by Dave Anderson and Nick Feamster.

Last updated: 2022-05-15 15:06:27 -0500 [validate xhtml]