OPTPP::NLP Class Reference

NLP is a handle class for NLPBase. More...

Collaboration diagram for OPTPP::NLP:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void eval ()
 Evaluate the function, gradient, and Hessian.
void evalC (const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x)
NEWMAT::ColumnVector evalCF (const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x)
 Evaluate the constraints at x.
NEWMAT::Matrix evalCG (const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x)
 Evaluate the constraint gradient at x.
< NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix > 
evalCH (NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x, int darg)
 Evaluate the constraint Hessian at x.
NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix evalCH (NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x)
 Evaluate the constraint Hessian at x.
real evalF (const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x)
 Evaluate the function at x.
real evalF ()
 Evaluate the function.
NEWMAT::ColumnVector evalG (const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x)
 Evaluate the gradient at x.
NEWMAT::ColumnVector evalG ()
 Evaluate the gradient.
NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix evalH (NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x)
 Evaluate Hessian at x.
NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix evalH ()
 Evaluate Hessian.
void fPrintState (ostream *, char *)
 Print status of the nonlinear function to file.
bool getDebug () const
int getDim () const
real getF () const
NEWMAT::ColumnVector getFcnAccrcy () const
real getFcnTime () const
int getFevals () const
int getIsExpensive () const
int getNumOfCons () const
int getNumOfNLCons () const
NEWMAT::ColumnVector getXc () const
bool hasConstraints ()
void initFcn ()
 Initialize selected function.
 NLP (NLPBase *base)
 NLP ()
 Default Constructor.
void printConstraints ()
 Print value of constraints to the screen.
void printState (char *)
 Print status of the nonlinear function to the screen.
void reset ()
 Reset parameter values.
void setDebug ()
 Set debug parameter = true.
void setF (const real &fx)
 Set the function value.
void setFcnAccrcy (const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &accrcy)
 Set the function accuracy.
void setFcnAccrcy (const int i, const real &accrcy)
 Set the ith component of the function accuracy.
void setIsExpensive (const int e)
 e = 1, simple backtracking linesearch is used in opt.
void setX (const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &x)
 Set the current point.
void setX (const int i, const real &x)
 Set the ith component of the vector x.

Detailed Description

NLP is a handle class for NLPBase.

This class is an interface to NLP0-2 for evaluating nonlinear functions.

P.J. Williams, Sandia National Laboratories, pwillia@sandia.gov
Last modified 03/2007

Definition at line 29 of file NLP.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Default Constructor.

OPTPP::NLP::NLP ( NLPBase base  ) 
base pointer to an NLPBase object

Member Function Documentation

void OPTPP::NLP::eval (  ) 

Evaluate the function, gradient, and Hessian.

NEWMAT::ColumnVector OPTPP::NLP::evalCF ( const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &  x  ) 

Evaluate the constraints at x.

NEWMAT::Matrix OPTPP::NLP::evalCG ( const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &  x  ) 

Evaluate the constraint gradient at x.

OptppArray<NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix> OPTPP::NLP::evalCH ( NEWMAT::ColumnVector &  x,
int  darg 

Evaluate the constraint Hessian at x.

NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix OPTPP::NLP::evalCH ( NEWMAT::ColumnVector &  x  ) 

Evaluate the constraint Hessian at x.

real OPTPP::NLP::evalF ( const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &  x  ) 

Evaluate the function at x.

real OPTPP::NLP::evalF (  ) 

Evaluate the function.

NEWMAT::ColumnVector OPTPP::NLP::evalG ( const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &  x  ) 

Evaluate the gradient at x.

NEWMAT::ColumnVector OPTPP::NLP::evalG (  ) 

Evaluate the gradient.

NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix OPTPP::NLP::evalH ( NEWMAT::ColumnVector &  x  ) 

Evaluate Hessian at x.

NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix OPTPP::NLP::evalH (  ) 

Evaluate Hessian.

void OPTPP::NLP::fPrintState ( ostream *  ,
char *   

Print status of the nonlinear function to file.

bool OPTPP::NLP::getDebug (  )  const
= true, debug output statements printed
= false, debug output statements are not printed
int OPTPP::NLP::getDim (  )  const
Problem Dimension
real OPTPP::NLP::getF (  )  const
The current value of function
NEWMAT::ColumnVector OPTPP::NLP::getFcnAccrcy (  )  const
User-specified function accuracy
real OPTPP::NLP::getFcnTime (  )  const
CPU time used
int OPTPP::NLP::getFevals (  )  const
Number of function evaluations taken
int OPTPP::NLP::getIsExpensive (  )  const
1, Function evaluation is expensive
= 0, Function evaluation is inexpensive
int OPTPP::NLP::getNumOfCons (  )  const
Total number of constraints
int OPTPP::NLP::getNumOfNLCons (  )  const
Total number of nonlinear constraints
NEWMAT::ColumnVector OPTPP::NLP::getXc (  )  const
The current value of x
bool OPTPP::NLP::hasConstraints (  ) 
= true, Problem is constrained
= false, Problem is unconstrained
void OPTPP::NLP::initFcn (  ) 

Initialize selected function.

void OPTPP::NLP::printConstraints (  ) 

Print value of constraints to the screen.

void OPTPP::NLP::printState ( char *   ) 

Print status of the nonlinear function to the screen.

void OPTPP::NLP::reset (  ) 

Reset parameter values.

void OPTPP::NLP::setDebug (  ) 

Set debug parameter = true.

void OPTPP::NLP::setF ( const real &  fx  ) 

Set the function value.

void OPTPP::NLP::setFcnAccrcy ( const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &  accrcy  ) 

Set the function accuracy.

void OPTPP::NLP::setFcnAccrcy ( const int  i,
const real &  accrcy 

Set the ith component of the function accuracy.

void OPTPP::NLP::setIsExpensive ( const int  e  ) 

e = 1, simple backtracking linesearch is used in opt.


e = 0, More-Thuente linesearch is used in opt. algorithm

void OPTPP::NLP::setX ( const NEWMAT::ColumnVector &  x  ) 

Set the current point.

void OPTPP::NLP::setX ( const int  i,
const real &  x 

Set the ith component of the vector x.

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