Index of Song Titles starting with U

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ASCII Devnagri Xxxxxx u.De.n jab jab zulfe.n terI, ku.NvAriyo.n kA dil machale [#N9023]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans ulfat me.n zamaane kii [#1230]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans uma.nge.n dil kii machalI.n muskuraaI zindagii apanii [#582]
ASCII Devnagri Xxxxxx unakaa ba.Dhaa jo haath yahaa.N dil luTaa diyaa [#N9024]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans unake khayaal aae to aate chale gae [#224]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans unako ye shikAyat hai ke ham, kuchh nahI.n kahate [#783]
ASCII Devnagri Xxxxxx ##Urvashi, Urvashi, take it easy, Urvashi## [#N8066]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans usako nahii dekhaa hamane kabhii, par isakii zaruurat kyaa hogii [#328]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans uThaaye jaa unake sitam aur jiye jaa [#36]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans uThe sab ke kadam, taaraa ram-pam-pam [#444]

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The ITRANS Song Book is maintained by Anurag Shankar and a team of volunteers. Please send new songs, corrections etc to .