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Malware Obfuscations
Teaching Experience
Kevin Alejandro Roundy
I graduated with a Ph.D. in May 2012, when I
joined Symantec Research Labs, now known as
Norton Research Group (NRG).
I have been there ever since, where I continue to be a researcher and Senior Technical Director in our group, living in the Los Angeles area. My research has resulted in many new deployed detection algorithms that identify millions of malicious and benign software files each day on behalf of our customers. I am particularly proud of work we have done to protect survivors of intimate partner violence from mobile apps that abusers to harass them and to turn survivors' cellphones into sophisticated spying devices. I also do research that considers the human factors that influence consumer security and privacy.
Teaching Assistant Experience
- CS 536 - Introduction to Programming Languages and Compilers
- CS 538 - Introduction to the Theory and Design of Programming Languages
Designed test-suites for projects in Scheme, ML, Prolog, and Python.
- CS 552 - Introduction to Computer Architecture
- CS 564 - Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation
Taught study sections, set up and administered
PostgreSQL database for each student with appropriate protections,
designed a course project, created instructions for it, and built
up infrastructure for the project.
- CS 784 - Introduction to Database Theory (Graduate Course)
Wrote thorough lecture notes for each research paper covered in the class,
including papers on information retrieval, indexing for data warehouse applications,
concurrency control, data mining, and deductive databases.