Protection and Security

0. Introduction

The distinction between security and protection, at least in this note

Security: broad sense to refer all concerns about controlled access to facilities

Protection: mechanism to support security

1. Security

Policy and mechanism issues: Security policy should be established first and mechanism to enforce the policy

1.1 Threats

Categories of threats

Unauthorized disclosure

Unauthorized updates

Denial of service: generally dealt by other parts of OS rather than security and protection. Three types:

Deleting a good guy's file by a bad guy: overlaps with the unauthorized updates

Physical attack by hand grenade

Unauthorized consumption of resources

Unauthorized disclosure and updates are the threats we are concerned here

Threats are generally introduced by breaking-in by such as Trojan horse

1.2 Design Principles

Public Design rather than secret design. Reason:

Secret design is all-or-nothing approach. Very difficult to keep it secret

Not to hard to figure out the algorithm: decompile, ...

Good guys will let you know the security holes

Default = No access

Minimum privilige: give just enough power to get the job done

Timely check

Too long a timeout to change a password -> more chance to be stolen

Too short -> lead users to use bad password and devise ways not to use password

Simple, uniform mechanism

Simple design to reduce the chance of errors which bad guys use to break

Clear, easy to understand, and uniform interface to reduce the chance of wrong use

Appropriate level of security

Excessive security mechanism leads:

to unnecessary cost and performance degredation

more importantly, users not to use it due to the complex of the system

1.3 Authentication

Attacks on password and protections

Direct attack on the password: try every possible password

Random password: difficult to remember

Run password checker to reject password which can be guessed easily: lead battle between cracker and checker

Artificially slow down the password check


Looking over the shoulder: turn off echoing while accepting password

Reading password file: store hash_ftn (password)

Wire tapping: encryption

Spoofing: authentication - generally challenge-response

Client sends req. for authentication

Server sends a challenge with a random value x

Client responses with g (password, x)

Server decripts g (password, x) and compares with the stored password

-> Client authenticated

2. Protection Mechanisms

The protection state of a machine is conceptually defined by an access matrix

Row: principal

Column: object

Cell: access rights, for example {read, write}, for the principal to the objects

Because the matrix tends to be very sparse, access information is represented by access control lists or capability lists

2.1 Access Control Lists (ACL)

A list of rights associated with an object


ACL for each directory. All files in a directory share the same ACL

ACL for a directory:

group-of-principals list of access rights

Access rights:

r: read

l: list the directory and read the attributes of files

i: create files

d: delete files

w: write files

k: lock files

a: administer ACL attributes

"pts membership group-name" shows the list of principals in the group

Ex: Unix

User is assigned with a uid, primary gid, and auxilary gids

When a file is created, it:

gets uid of the creator(= process) and gid of the containing directory

access mode = logical AND of argument of create (or open) system call and one's complement of umask

Access check algorithm

check if root -> everything is OK

check if owner -> owner field of the file compared

check if group -> group field of the file compared

otherwise -> other field of the file compared

=> owner could have less privilege than others, but owner has the right to chmod

Permission of directory

Read: ?

Execute: permission to read attributes of files in the directory

Write: permission to create or delete files in the directory ->

can effectively modify a file that you don't have write permission by:

delete the file and then create a new file with the same name!

setuid: the euid of the process executing the file is set to the uid of the file

2.2 Capability Lists

Capability is a "protected pointer" to an object: pointer + access permission

Each process has capabilities to work on as a Unix process has file descriptors of open files

Process passes capability to system call instead of passing fd

Ensuring the integrity of capability is important. Mechanisms:

Tagged architecture: tag each word as a capability or a data word

Separate capability segment

Encryption: append each capability with checksum and encrypt capability and checksum using a secret key

Capability in Unix?

fd is a sort of capability: access permission is somehow incorporated in

Separate segment capability mechanism is used: process can't modify fd table which is stored in kernel space

HYDRA - a capability based protection

3. Cryptographic Protocols

3.1 Encryption

Encryption & decryption algorithm are known to public: remember design principles

Only keys make things secret

Key should not be too long -> inefficient

3.2 Key Distribution

Goal: minimize out-of-band transmission while keeping the key secret as much as possible


Out-of-band transmission:

each party has its own private key

KDC (Key Distribution Center) has the private of every entity

A -> KDC: (B, x)

KDC -> A: [B, x, Kc, [A, Kc]Kb] Ka

B - to ensure that the request has not been modified by a bad guy

x - to authenticate KDC

A -> B: [A, Kc]Kb

B -> A: [y]Kc

A -> B: [y + 1]Kc

y & y+1: to prevent a bad guy from copying the messsage from A to B and sending later

Kerberos - private key (DES) based authentication

3.3 Public Key Encryption


Asymmetric public and private keys

Encryption and decryption algorithms are usually identical. So

f ( f ( msg, private_key ), public_key ) = f ( f ( msg, public_key ), private_key ) = msg

RSA is the most common en(de)cryption algorithm

Digital signature using PK

Sender sends: Msg + [ hash(Msg) ]private-key of sender

hash(Msg) can be a checksum of Msg


computes hash(Msg)

decrypt [ hash(Msg) ]private-key of sender using sender's public key

compare the computed hash(Msg) with the decrypted hash value,

if both agree, receiver assures that Msg really came from the sender

Public key distribution

Problem: how can I trust that this public key really came from Alice?

Solution: Certificate of CA (Certificate Authority)

[ Alice, public-key of Alice ]secrete-key of CA


Public keys of CAs, for example VeriSign, are hardcoded

Secure web-site -> browser: [web-site, public-key of web-site]secrete-key of CA

browser -> web-site: [ brand new private-key ]public-key of web-site

web-site <-> brower: [ Msg ]private-key

Other paper

Encryption and Secure Computer Network - about encryption and key distribution