Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #pragma once
00003 #include <Util/Types.h>
00004 #include <BW/Sprite.h>
00005 #include <BW/Order.h>
00006 #include <BW/Path.h>
00007 #include <BW/Position.h>
00009 #include <BWAPI/UnitType.h>
00010 #include <BW/Offsets.h>
00012 namespace BW { class Sprite; };
00013 namespace BW { struct Order; };
00014 namespace BW { struct Path; };
00016 namespace BW
00017 {
00024 #pragma pack(1) // Note: alignment is probably default 4, not 1
00025   class Unit
00026   {
00027   public:
00028     BWAPI::UnitType type() const;
00029     bool movementFlag(u8 flags) const;
00030     bool statusFlag(u32 flags) const;
00033     /*0x000*/ BW::Unit                            *prev;
00034     /*0x004*/ BW::Unit                            *next;                 
00038     /*0x008*/ s32                                 hitPoints;             
00041     /*0x00C*/ BW::Sprite                          *sprite;
00042     /*0x010*/ BW::Position                        moveToPos;
00043     /*0x014*/ BW::Unit                            *moveToUnit;          // The original description "target unit" was incorrect
00044     /*0x018*/ BW::Position                        nextMovementWaypoint;  
00048     /*0x01C*/ BW::Position                        nextTargetWaypoint;  
00049     /*0x020*/ u8                                  movementFlags;       
00050     /*0x021*/ u8                                  currentDirection1;   
00051     /*0x022*/ u8                                  flingyTurnRadius;
00052     /*0x023*/ u8                                  velocityDirection1;  
00056     /*0x024*/ u16                                 flingyID;
00057     /*0x026*/ u8                                  _unknown_0x026;
00058     /*0x027*/ u8                                  flingyMovementType;
00059     /*0x028*/ BW::Position                        position;             
00060     /*0x02C*/ POINT                               halt;                
00061     /*0x034*/ u32                                 flingyTopSpeed;
00062     /*0x038*/ s32                                 current_speed1;
00063     /*0x03C*/ s32                                 current_speed2;
00064     /*0x040*/ POINT                               current_speed;
00066     /*0x048*/ u16                                 flingyAcceleration;
00067     /*0x04A*/ u8                                  currentDirection2;
00068     /*0x04B*/ u8                                  velocityDirection2;    // pathing related, gets this value from Path::unk_1A?
00069     /*0x04C*/ u8                                  playerID;             
00070     /*0x04D*/ u8                                  orderID;              
00071     /*0x04E*/ u8                                  orderState;     
00072                                                   /*  0x01  Moving/Following Order
00073                                                       0x02  No collide (Larva)?
00074                                                       0x04  Harvesting? Working?
00075                                                       0x08  Constructing Stationary
00076                                                       Note: I don't actually think these are flags
00077                                                   */
00078     /*0x04F*/ u8                                  orderSignal;
00079                                                   /*
00080                                                       0x01  Update building graphic/state
00081                                                       0x02  Casting spell
00082                                                       0x04  Reset collision? Always enabled for hallucination...
00083                                                       0x10  Lift/Land state
00084                                                   */
00085     /*0x050*/ u16                                 orderUnitType;
00086     /*0x052*/ u16                                 _unused_0x052; // possible alignment
00087     /*0x054*/ u8                                  mainOrderTimer;         // A timer for orders, example: time left before minerals are harvested
00088     /*0x055*/ u8                                  groundWeaponCooldown;
00089     /*0x056*/ u8                                  airWeaponCooldown;
00090     /*0x057*/ u8                                  spellCooldown;
00091     /*0x058*/ BW::Position                        orderTargetPos;
00092     /*0x05C*/ BW::Unit                            *orderTargetUnit;
00095     /*0x060*/ u32                                 shieldPoints;         
00096     /*0x064*/ u16                                 unitType;             
00097     /*0x066*/ u16                                 _padding_0x066;
00098     /*0x068*/ BW::Unit                            *previousPlayerUnit;
00099     /*0x06C*/ BW::Unit                            *nextPlayerUnit;
00100     /*0x070*/ BW::Unit                            *subUnit;
00101     /*0x074*/ BW::Order                           *orderQueueHead;
00102     /*0x078*/ BW::Order                           *orderQueueTail;
00103     /*0x07C*/ BW::Unit                            *AutoTargetUnit;   // The auto-acquired target
00104     /*0x080*/ BW::Unit                            *connectedUnit;        
00105     /*0x084*/ u8                                  orderQueueCount;       
00106     /*0x085*/ u8                                  orderQueueTimer; /* counts/cycles down from from 8 to 0 (inclusive). See also 0x122. */
00107     /*0x086*/ u8                                  _unknown_0x086;  // pathing related?
00108     /*0x087*/ u8                                  attackNotifyTimer;  // Prevent "Your forces are under attack." on every attack
00109     /*0x088*/ u16                                 displayedUnitID;
00110     /*0x08A*/ u8                                  lastEventTimer; // countdown that stops being recent when it hits 0 
00111     /*0x08B*/ u8                                  lastEventColor; // 17 = was completed (train, morph), 174 = was attacked
00112     /*0x08C*/ u16                                 _unused_0x08C;  // might have originally been RGB from lastEventColor
00113     /*0x08E*/ u8                                  rankIncrease;       
00114     /*0x08F*/ u8                                  killCount;          
00115     /*0x090*/ u8                                  lastAttackingPlayer; // the player that last attacked this unit
00116     /*0x091*/ u8                                  secondaryOrderTimer;
00117     /*0x092*/ u8                                  _unknown_0x091;
00118     /*0x093*/ u8                                  userActionFlags;     // some flags that change when the user interacts with the unit
00119                                                                        // 2 = issued an order, 3 = interrupted an order, 4 = self destructing
00120     /*0x094*/ u16                                 currentButtonSet;    // The u16 is a guess, used to be u8
00121     /*0x096*/ u8                                  cloaked;             // 1 for cloaked
00122     /*0x097*/ u8                                  movementState;       // A value based on conditions related to pathing, see Path.h for info
00123     /*0x098*/ u16                                 buildQueue[5];      
00124     /*0x0A2*/ u16                                 energy;             
00125     /*0x0A4*/ u8                                  buildQueueSlot;     
00126     /*0x0A5*/ u8                                  targetOrderSpecial; 
00127     /*0x0A6*/ u8                                  secondaryOrderID;   
00128     /*0x0A7*/ u8                                  buildingOverlayState; // 0 means the building has the largest amount of fire/blood
00129     /*0x0A8*/ u16                                 hpGainDuringRepair; 
00130     /*0x0AA*/ u16                                 _unknown_0x0AA;
00131     /*0x0AC*/ u16                                 remainingBuildTime; 
00132     /*0x0AE*/ u16                                 previousHP;   // The HP of the unit before it changed (example Drone->Hatchery, the Drone's HP will be stored here)
00133     /*0x0B0*/ u16                                 loadedUnitIndex[8];
00134     /*0x0C0*/ union
00135               {
00136                 struct
00137                 {
00138                   u8 spiderMineCount; // 0
00139                 } vulture;
00141                 struct
00142                 {
00143                   BW::Unit *inHangerChild;  // 0   first child inside the hanger
00144                   BW::Unit *outHangerChild; // 4   first child outside the hanger
00145                   u8       inHangerCount;   // 8   number inside the hanger
00146                   u8       outHangerCount;  // 9   number outside the hanger
00147                 } carrier; // also applies to reaver
00149                 struct
00150                 {
00151                   BW::Unit *parent;   // 0
00152                   BW::Unit *prev;     // 4
00153                   BW::Unit *next;     // 8
00154                   u8       inHanger;  // C
00155                 } interceptor;  // also applies to scarab
00157                 struct
00158                 {
00159                   u32 _unknown_00;
00160                   u32 _unknown_04;
00161                   u32 flagSpawnFrame; // flag beacons, the frame that the flag will spawn
00162                 } beacon;
00164                 struct
00165                 {
00166                   BW::Unit *addon;               // 0
00167                   u16      addonBuildType;       // 4
00168                   u16      upgradeResearchTime;  // 6
00169                   u8       techType;             // 8
00170                   u8       upgradeType;          // 9
00171                   u8       larvaTimer;           // A
00172                   u8       landingTimer;         // B
00173                   u8       creepTimer;           // C
00174                   u8       upgradeLevel;         // D
00175                   u16      _padding_0E;          // E    // possible alignment
00176                   union                          // 10
00177                   { 
00178                     struct
00179                     { u16       resourceCount;  // amount of resources
00180                       u8        resourceIscript;
00181                       u8        gatherQueueCount;
00182                       BW::Unit  *nextGatherer;    // 14  // pointer to the next workerunit waiting in line to gather
00183                       u8        resourceGroup;    // 18
00184                       u8        resourceBelongsToAI;
00185                     } resource;  
00186                     struct { BW::Unit *exit; } nydus; 
00187                     struct { BW::Sprite *nukeDot; } ghost;
00188                     struct { BW::Sprite *pylonAura; } pylon;
00189                     struct
00190                     { BW::Unit *nuke;  // attached nuke
00191                       u32 hasNuke;     // 14
00192                     } silo;
00193                     struct
00194                     { u16 harvestValue1;
00195                       u16 harvestValue2;
00196                       u16 _unknown_14;    // 14
00197                       u16 harvestValue3;
00198                     } hatchery; // wtf???
00199                     struct { POINTS origin; } powerup;
00200                   };
00201                 } building;
00203                 struct 
00204                 {
00205                   BW::Unit      *powerup;                // 0
00206                   POINTS        targetResource;          // 4
00207                   BW::Unit      *targetResourceUnit;     // 8
00208                   u16           repairResourceLossTimer; // C
00209                   u8            isCarryingSomething;     // E
00210                   u8            resourceCarryCount;      // F
00211                   BW::Unit      *harvestTarget;          // 10
00212                   BW::Unit      *prevHarvestUnit;        // 14   // When there is a gather conflict
00213                   BW::Unit      *nextHarvestUnit;        // 18
00214                 } worker;
00215               };
00216     /*0x0DC*/ u32                               statusFlags;
00217     /*0x0E0*/ u8                                resourceType;       
00218     /*0x0E1*/ u8                                wireframeRandomizer;
00219     /*0x0E2*/ u8                                secondaryOrderState;
00220     /*0x0E3*/ u8                                recentOrderTimer;   // Counts down from 15 to 0 when most orders are given,
00221                                                                     // or when the unit moves after reaching a patrol location
00222     /*0x0E4*/ s32                               visibilityStatus;   // Flags specifying which players can detect this unit (cloaked/burrowed)
00223     /*0x0E8*/ u16                               _unknown_0x0E8;    // ??
00224     /*0x0EA*/ u16                               _unknown_0x0EA;    // possible alignment
00225     /*0x0EC*/ BW::Unit                          *currentBuildUnit;
00226     /*0x0F0*/ BW::Unit                          *previousBurrowedUnit;
00227     /*0x0F4*/ BW::Unit                          *nextBurrowedUnit;
00228     /*0x0F8*/ union
00229               { struct
00230                 { POINTS    position;
00231                   BW::Unit *unit;
00232                 } rally;                
00234                 struct
00235                 { BW::Unit *prevPsiProvider;
00236                   BW::Unit *nextPsiProvider;
00237                 } pylon;                
00238               };
00239     /*0x100*/ BW::Path                            *path;
00240     /*0x104*/ u8                                  pathingCollisionInterval;  // unknown
00241     /*0x105*/ u8                                  pathingFlags;           // 0x01 = uses pathing; 0x02 = ?; 0x04 = ?
00242     /*0x106*/ u8                                  _unused_0x106;
00243     /*0x107*/ u8                                  isBeingHealed;          // 1 if a medic is currently healing this unit
00244     /*0x108*/ rect                                contourBounds;          // a rect that specifies the closest contour (collision) points
00245     struct
00246     {
00247       /*0x110*/ u16                                 removeTimer;            
00248       /*0x112*/ u16                                 defenseMatrixDamage;
00249       /*0x114*/ u8                                  defenseMatrixTimer;
00250       /*0x115*/ u8                                  stimTimer;
00251       /*0x116*/ u8                                  ensnareTimer;
00252       /*0x117*/ u8                                  lockdownTimer;
00253       /*0x118*/ u8                                  irradiateTimer;
00254       /*0x119*/ u8                                  stasisTimer;
00255       /*0x11A*/ u8                                  plagueTimer;
00256       /*0x11B*/ u8                                  isUnderStorm;
00257       /*0x11C*/ BW::Unit                            *irradiatedBy;      
00258       /*0x120*/ u8                                  irradiatePlayerID;  
00259       /*0x121*/ u8                                  parasiteFlags;
00260       /*0x122*/ u8                                  cycleCounter;       /* counts/cycles up from 0 to 7 (inclusive). See also 0x85. */
00261       /*0x123*/ u8                                  isBlind;
00262       /*0x124*/ u8                                  maelstromTimer;
00263       /*0x125*/ u8                                  _unused_0x125;  // ?? Might be afterburner timer or ultralisk roar timer
00264       /*0x126*/ u8                                  acidSporeCount;
00265       /*0x127*/ u8                                  acidSporeTime[9];
00266     } status;
00267     /*0x130*/ u16                                 bulletBehaviour3by3AttackSequence; // Counts up for the number of bullets shot by a unit using
00268                                                                                      // this weapon behaviour and resets after it reaches 12
00269     /*0x132*/ u16                                 _padding_0x132;
00270     /*0x134*/ void                                *CAIControl;        // pointer to AI class, we're not using this though
00271     /*0x138*/ u16                                 airStrength;        
00272     /*0x13A*/ u16                                 groundStrength;     
00273     /*0x13C*/ u32                                 unitFinderIndexLeft;    // Order for the unit's left boundry
00274     /*0x140*/ u32                                 unitFinderIndexRight;   // Order for the unit's right boundry
00275     /*0x144*/ u32                                 unitFinderIndexTop;     // Order for the unit's top boundry
00276     /*0x148*/ u32                                 unitFinderIndexBottom;  // Order for the unit's bottom boundry
00277     /*0x14C*/ u8                                  _repulseUnknown;     
00278     /*0x14D*/ u8                                  repulseAngle;       // updated only when air unit is being pushed
00279     /*0x14E*/ u8                                  driftPosX;          
00280     /*0x14F*/ u8                                  driftPosY;          
00281   };
00282 #pragma pack()
00284   CTASSERT( sizeof(Unit) == 336 );
00285 };
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