Charlie Murphy

Contact Information

Cell: (740) 249-5925


I am a PostDoctoral Research Associate at the University of Wisconsin Madison. I received my PhD in computer science from Princeton University in 2023. I received my BS in Computer Science from Ohio University's Honors Tutorial College in 2016 and my MA in Computer Science from Princeton University in 2018.

My primary research interests lie in Programming Languages, Automated Reasoning, and program synthesis and verification with an emphasis on the design and analysis of logics, solvers, and algorithms for automated or semi-automated reasoning. Additionally, I have a broad interest in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and statistical inference and how it may be incorporated with more logical / sound reasoning principles.

My Curriculum Vitae is available here. You can also view some of my current work on Github.


Synthesizing Formal Semantics from Executable Interpreters
with Jiangyi Liu, Keith Johnson, Tom Reps, and Loris D'Antoni has been acceepted to OOPSLA'24.
Starting February 2023, I will be joining UW-Madison as postdoctoral fellow. I will work under the mentorship of Loris D'Antoni and Tom Reps.
I have successfully defended my thesis and received my PhD in computer science from Princeton University.
I will also be an Assistant in Instruction (AI) for COS 226 - Algorithms and Data Structures.
I will be the Assistant in Instruction (AI) for COS 516 - Automated reasoning about software.
Older News
I am an Applied Science Intern with Amazon's S3-ARG group under the mentorship of Serdar Tasiran and Ernie Cohen.
I will teach MAT 015C (Basic College Math) as part of PTI at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facilty this upcoming semester.
A Practical Algorithm for Structure Embedding with Zak Kincaid accepted to VMCAI 2019.
I am again organizing the PL Lunch Seminar Series for this upcoming year.
I am a research intern at GrammaTech under the mentorship of Vineeth Kashyap.
I received my Masters of Arts in Computer Science from Princeton University.
I passed my General Exams.
I will be an Assistant in Instruction (AI) for COS 226 - Algorithms and Data Structures.
I am organizing Princeton's Programming Languages Seminars this year.
I will be an Assistant in Instruction (AI) for COS 418 - Distributed Systems in the upcoming Fall 2017 semester.
I'm developing a course on Introduction to Programming / Computational Reasoning for the Prison Teaching Initiative (PTI) in collaboration with Gregory Gundersen, Anders Miltner, Pranjit Kalita, and Irene Fan.

Work in progress

Solving Semantics-Guided Synthesis Problems via Bounded Model Checking. (Preprint available shortly)

Strategy Synthesis for Validity of the μCLP calculus. (Preprint available shortly)


Synthesizing Formal Semantics from Executable Interpreters.
Jiangyi Liu, Keith Johson, Charlie Murphy, Tom Reps, and Loris D'Antoni.
Proceedings of ACM on Programming Languages: OOPSLA. October 2024.

Quantified Linear Arithmetic Satisfaction via fine-grained strategy improvement.
Charlie Murphy and Zak Kincaid.
CAV'24: 36th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification. July 2024.

Relational Verification of Distributed Systems via Weak Simulations
Timothy C. Murphy. Advisor: Zak Kincaid.
Dissertation. Princeton University, 2023.

Examining the Effects of Key Point Detector and Descriptors on 3D Visual SLAM
Timothy Murphy. Advisor: David Chelberg.
Thesis. Ohio University, 2016.

Development of a Robust Indoor 3D SLAM Algorithm
Timothy Murphy, David Chelberg.
Proceedings of MCURCSM 2014, 15 November. Pgs. 45-52.


First Order Logic with Fixed-points and Cyclic Proof Search.
Charlie Murphy. University of Wisconsin, Madison. April 29, 2024.

Relational Verification via Weak Simulations.
Charlie Murphy, Zak Kincaid (Advisor). Final Public Oral, January 27, 2023.

A Practical Algorithm for Structure Embedding
Charlie Murphy, Zak Kincaid (Advisor). General Exam, January 23.

New Web Interface for Real-Time-Visualization of NOAA Weather Data
Timothy Murphy, Dan Pisut. American Meteorological Society. 32nd Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies, January 12.

New Web Interface for Real-Time-Visualization of NOAA Atmosphere Model Data
Timothy Murphy. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA 2015 Science Symposium, July 30.

Developing a 3D Visual SLAM ALgorithm
Timothy Murphy. 2015 Ohio University Student Research and Creative Expo, April 16.
2nd Place Award for EECS Undergraduate Presentation.

Towards the Quantified Self: Fitness bands for Blood Glucose Prediction
Timothy Murphy, Hannah Quillin. 2015 Ohio University Student Research and Creative Expo, April 16. 2nd place Award for Diabetes Related Research Presentation.

Development of a Robust Indoor 3D SLAM Algorithm
Timothy Murphy, David Chelberg. 14th Annual Mid-states Conference on Undergraduate Research in Computer Science and Mathematics, November 15.


Fall 2022
Automated Reasoning About Software
Fall 2022
Algorithms and Data Structures
Spring 2019
Basic College Math (PTI -- Edna Mahan Correctional Facility)
Spring 2018
Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2017
Distributed Systems


In 2014, I was a recipeient of the Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship for 2014-2016. More information about this award is available here. In 2013, I received the Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship to study abroad in the Ukraine; however, due to the rising tensions during that time, the trip was canceled.