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Vinay Gangadhar
Graduate Student, Computer Architecture
Technical Related
- Timeline poster of 40 Years of Computer Architecture research at UW-Madison: [pdf]
Poster Credits: Jason Power
- Some good technical blogs I follow:
- ExtremeTech- For latest technology updates and products.
- Preshing on Programming- A blog for programming enthusiasts (but not limited to it), has a good programming explanation for memory consistency.
- RealWorldTech- Insanely detailed analysis of latest micro-architectures. I always have a browser tab opened for this blog.
- Anandtech- Asusual everyone's favorite technical blog.
- Van's Hardware- Interesting article about ARM vs x86.
Non-Technical Related
- I am an amateur guitarist and like to hum some songs when I find time. Some day if I don't graduate with my PhD (and hence no job :( ), I do want to perform on stage and release my performance videos :P
- I love to go for treks/hikes when I am bored of my research or writing papers. I love biking (actual motorbike and not bicycle) and do a roadtrip by bike every year when I visit my homecountry India.
- I also have plans to cover all the national parks in USA. As of now, have covered the following: Yellowstone, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Grand Teton, Mount Rainier, Olympic, Yosemite, Rocky Mountains, Arches, Crator lake, Death Valley, Great Sand Dunes, Lassen Volcanic, Kings Canyon and Sequoia. Apart from these have visited around 10 state parks and trekking trails.
More interesting things to be updated soon