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Re: Bringing a PC to Vietnam
Sorry but I don't think it is god Idea to bring old 486 to Vn.
The cost you have to pay for airplan is too much.
One 486 DX2/66 with 8 Mb ram and 810MB harddisk, + monitor cost you about
The monitor SVGA 14" is from $150 to $200
> From: huy.duong@ctsu.ox.ac.uk
> To: Multiple recipients of list <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
> Subject: Bringing a PC to Vietnam
> Date: Wednesday, March 05, 1997 6:20 AM
> Dear friends,
> I'm thinking of bringing an old 486 as a gift for my cousin when I go to
> Vietnam in May. What is the tax? How much is a 486 with and without
> monitor in Vietnam? How much is a monitor?
> Thank you in advance for your info.
> Huy