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# Lecture Slides

📗 Long Version:
📗 Short Version:
📗 Note (July 15): The definition of x dominated by x' is reversed: x' is preferred to x.
📗 Note (July 15): The second iteration dominated strategies should start at 44, not 33.
📗 Note (July 15): The strategic form of the veto game is written incorrectly. Now fixed in the slides.

# List of Topics and Examples

📗 Socrative Game:
Coordination Game with Focal Point:
Results: Morning Round 1: (A 27%, B 23%, C 35%, D 15%); Round 2: (A 8%, B 0%, C 92%, D 0%)
Results: Afternoon Round 1: (A 46%, B 50%, C 4%, D 0%); Round 2: (A 45%, B 52%, C 0%, D 3%); Round 3: (A 16%, B 84%, C 0%, D 0%)
Comments: Video: Review

📗 Definitions and Theorems:
(1) Strategic form game; extensive form game; strategy profile; dominated strategy; dominant strategy
(2) Nash equilibrium; Subgame Perfect equilibrium

📗 Algorithms:
(1) Finding Nash equilibrium for strategic form game (brute force method, best response function method)
(2) Finding Subgame Perfect equilibrium
(3) Finding Nash equilibrium for extensive form game (adjustment method, convertion into strategic form): Video - Conversion Method ; Video - Adjustment Method ; Video - Adjustment Method 2

📗 Examples:
(1) Dark Knight ferry example: Movie Clip
(2) Split or Steal example: TV Show Clip
(3) Vaccination example: News Article; Video
(4) Dark Knight Joker heist example: Movie Clip ; Video - Conversion Method ; Video - Adjustment Method ; Video - Five Player Extension
(5) Veto game example: Video - Adjustment Method ; Video - Finding Dominated Strategies

📗 Problems:
File: Questions ; Answers.

(1) Advertisment
(2) Makeup
(3) Binary Price Competition
(4) Ask Question
(5) Crime Reporting
(6) Help People on the Street
(7) Public Good
(8) Hunger Games: Video Explanation
(9) Course Selection: Video Explanation
(10) Monopoly Entrance Deterrance
(11) Food Chain
(12) Centipede Game (Should be called the Magic Mike game: it has nothing to do with Centipede): Wikipedia
(13) Group Project
(14) Traveler's Dilemma (This is NOT the real Traveler's Dillmma game): See this page: Wikipedia
(15) Burning the Bridge: a good example about credible and incredible threat
Workbook (recommended): 29.1, 29.2, 29.3, 29.4, 29.5, 29.6
Workbook (doable): 29.7, 29.8

# Related Questions

(29) How to get the best response function for the Course Selection problem on PS4? A: See video Link.
(26) How to find all NE of an extensive form game? A: The adjustment method cannot be used to find all NE: it can only find NE that are "close" to the SPE. Only conversion into strategic form can be used to find all NE.
(19) Is the midterm similar to the past midterms? A: NO! The coverage is completely different! Out midterm 3 is a combination of Midterm 2, 3, and final from the past few years. The midterm is very similar to the sample midterms, tutorial problems, other problem set problems, lecture examples, in that order.
(18) How to solve the Hunger Games? A: ... Mockingjay Part 2 opens November 20 ... Well, for the problem in the problem set, see video here: Link.
(17) Can you repeat how to solve the Vaccination game in a video? A: Yes. Video
(16) In the veto game in the lecture what actions are dominated? A: No dominated action for player M and strategy BAB is strictly dominated by CCA for player A because no matter which action M chooses, BAB always gives a strictly lower payoff. BAA, BCB, CAB, BCA, CAA, BCA are weakly dominated by CCA for player A because no matter which action M chooses, CCA always gives either equal or better payoff. Video.
(15) Can you repeat the two ways of finding NE of an extensive form game? A: See videos in the Algorithms section of the Lecture 4 page. Links here: Video - Conversion Method ; Video - Adjustment Method ; Video - Adjustment Method 2.

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Last Updated: February 23, 2025 at 5:50 AM