Home Teaching Research CV Timetable

# 2024 Fall

Course Instructor (2 Sections): CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence), UW Madison Campus Link
Directed Study: CS 298 (Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning) Link

# 2024 Summer

Course Instructor: CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence), EPIC Campus Link
Course Instructor: CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence), UW Madison Campus Link
Directed Study: CS 298 (Deep Reinforcement Learning) Link

# 2024 Winter

Course Instructor: CS 559 (Computer Graphics), EPIC Campus Link
Course Instructor: CS 559 (Computer Graphics), UW Madison Campus Link
Directed Study: CS 298 (Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning) Link

# 2023 Fall

Course Instructor (2 Sections): CS 320 (Python Data Science Programming) Link

# 2023 Summer

Course Instructor: CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence) Link

# 2022 Summer

Course Instructor: CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence), UW Madison Campus Link
Course Instructor: CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence), EPIC Campus Link

# 2022 Winter

Course Instructor: CS 368 (MATLAB Programming) Link

# 2021 Fall

Teaching Assistant: CS 559 (Computer Graphics)

# 2021 Summer

Course Instructor: CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence) Link

# 2021 Winter

Teaching Assistant: CS 559 (Computer Graphics)

# 2020 Fall

Teaching Assistant: CS 765 (Data Visualization)

# 2020 Summer

Course Instructor: CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence), UW Madison Campus Link
Course Instructor: CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence), EPIC Campus Link

# 2020 Winter

Teaching Assistant: CS 559 (Computer Graphics)

# 2019 Fall

Teaching Assistant: CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence)

# 2019 Summer

Course Instructor: CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence), UW Madison Campus Link
Course Instructor: CS 540 (Artificial Intelligence), EPIC Campus Link

# 2019 Winter

Teaching Assistant: CS 559 (Computer Graphics)

# 2018 Fall

Teaching Assistant: CS 577 (Algorithms)

# 2018 Summer

Teaching Assistant: ECO 358 (Financial Economics I) Link

# 2017 Summer

Teaching Assistant: ECO 358 (Financial Economics I) Link

# 2017 Winter

Teaching Assistant: ECO 326 (Advanced Economic Theory - Micro) Link

# 2016 Fall

Teaching Assistant, Graduate course: ECO 2020 (Microeconomic Theory I, PhD) Link
Teaching Assistant: ECO 326 (Advanced Economic Theory - Micro) Link
Teaching Assistant, Computer Science department: CSC 304 (Algorithmic Game Theory and Mechanism Design) Link
Teaching Assistant: ECO 206 (Microeconomic Theory)

# 2016 Summer

Course Instructor: ECO 206 (Microeconomic Theory) Link

# 2016 Winter

Teaching Assistant, Graduate course: ECO 2030 (Microeconomic Theory II, PhD) Link
Teaching Assistant: ECO 326 (Advanced Economic Theory - Micro) Link
Teaching Assistant, Computer Science department: CSC 165 (Mathematical Expression and Reasoning)

# 2015 Fall

Teaching Assistant, Graduate course: ECO 2020 (Microeconomic Theory I, PhD) Link
Teaching Assistant: ECO 326 (Advanced Economic Theory - Micro) Link

# 2015 Summer

Course Instructor: ECO 206 (Microeconomic Theory) Link

# 2015 Winter

Teaching Assistant, Graduate course: ECO 2030 (Microeconomic Theory II, PhD) Link
Teaching Assistant: ECO 326 (Advanced Economic Theory - Micro) Link
Teaching Assistant: BIG 101 (Energy: From Fire to the Future)

# 2014 Fall

Teaching Assistant: ECO 326 (Advanced Economic Theory - Micro) Link
Teaching Assistant: BIG 101 (Energy: From Fire to the Future)

# 2014 Summer

Teaching Assistant: ECO 200 (Microeconomic Theory)
Teaching Assistant: ECO 362 (Economic Growth)

# 2014 Winter

Teaching Assistant: ECO 326 (Advanced Economic Theory - Micro) Link
Teaching Assistant: BIG 101 (Energy: From Fire to the Future)
Teaching Assistant: ECO 316 (Applied Game Theory)

# 2013 Fall

Teaching Assistant: BIG 101 (Energy: From Fire to the Future)
Teaching Assistant: ECO 326 (Advanced Economic Theory - Micro) Link

# 2013 Summer

Teaching Assistant: ECO 100 (Introductory Economics) Link

# 2013 Winter

Teaching Assistant: ECO 204 (Microeconomic Theory)

# 2012 Fall

Teaching Assistant: ECO 204 (Microeconomic Theory)

# 2012 Summer

Teaching Assistant: ECO 208 (Macroeconomic Theory)

# 2012 Winter

Teaching Assistant: ECO 100 (Introductory Economics) Link

# 2011 Fall

Teaching Assistant: ECO 100 (Introductory Economics) Link

# 2010 Fall

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Mathematics department: MATH 136 (Linear Algebra 1 for Honours Mathematics)

# 2010 Winter

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Mathematics department: MATH 137 (Calculus 1 for Honours Mathematics)

# 2009 Fall

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Mathematics department: MATH 135 (Algebra for Honours Mathematics)

# 2009 Summer

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Mathematics department: MATH 235 (Linear Algebra 2 for Honours Mathematics)

# 2009 Winter

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Mathematics department: MATH 136 (Linear Algebra 1 for Honours Mathematics)

# 2008 Fall

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Mathematics department: MATH 137 (Calculus 1 for Honours Mathematics)

# 2008 Winter

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Mathematics department: MATH 138 (Calculus 2 for Honours Mathematics)

Last Updated: May 24, 2024 at 1:10 AM