# Schedule

AEFIS Syllabus: PDF

Week Date Topics RN SS Q D M P
W1 20-Jun Perceptron Algorithm 19 9 Q1 D1 M1 P1
21-Jun Logistic Regression 19 14 Q2 M2
22-Jun Neural Network 19 20 Q3 D2 M3
23-Jun Backpropagation 19 20 Q4
W2 27-Jun Support Vector Machine 19 15-16 Q5 D3 M4 P2
28-Jun Decision Tree, K-Nearest-Neighbors 19 18-19 Q6
29-Jun Computer Vision, Convolutional Network 25 Q7 D4 M5
30-Jun Natural Language and Speech 21 Q8
W3 4-Jul Independence Day 23 Q9 D5
5-Jul Bayesian Network, Naive Bayes 20 24 Q10 M6 P3
6-Jul Midterm Review, Part I 24 D6
7-Jul Midterm Review, Part II
W4 11-Jul Attention and Transformers 22 Q11
12-Jul Large Language Models 22 Q12
13-Jul Midterm Exam, Part I P6
14-Jul Midterm Exam, Part II
W5 18-Jul Hierarchical Clustering, K-Means Clustering 20 22 Q13 D7 M7 P4
19-Jul Principal Component Analysis 20 23 Q14
20-Jul Markov Decision Process 20 22 Q15 D8 M8
21-Jul Reinforcement Learning 20 23 Q16
W6 25-Jul Uninformed Search, Robotics 3 Q17 D9 M9 P5
26-Jul Informed Search 3 Q18
27-Jul Hill-Climbing, Simulated Annealing 4 Q19 D10 M10
28-Jul Genetic Algorithms, Constraint Satisfaction 4 Q20
W7 1-Aug Game Theory 5 Q21 D11 M12 P6
2-Aug Minimax Game, Alpha-Beta Pruning 5 Q22 M11
3-Aug Final Review, Part I D12
4-Aug Final Review, Part II
W8 8-Aug Adversarial Machine Learning Q23
9-Aug Ethics of AI in Real World Q24
10-Aug Final Exam, Part I
11-Aug Final Exam, Part II

📗 (RN) Russell and Norvig: Chapters from the optional textbook: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig Link.
📗 (SS) Shai and Shai: Chapters from the optional textbook: Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms by Shai Shalev-Schwartz and Shai Ben-David Link
📗 (Q/D) Quizzes and Discussions: Weekly in-class Quizzes and Piazza Discussions.
📗 (M) Math homework: Weekly Math homework.
📗 (P) Programming homework: Bi-weekly Programming homework.

📗 Synchronous lectures: official lecture time slots will be used for: (~5 min) participation games, (~20 min) review of basic materials, (~45 min) going over examples and quizzes, on Zoom and recorded. You will login TopHat using your wiscID to complete the quizzes.
📗 (Optional) Asynchronous lectures: pre-recorded lectures from last two years are posted on YouTube (~2 hour each lecture, divided into six parts). Pre-recorded discussions of quiz and homework questions will be posted on YouTube. They cover the same materials as the Zoom lectures, and can be watched either before or after the official lecture time slots. If you are comfortable with the materials and quiz questions from the Zoom lectures, you can skip these videos.

# Grading Scheme

Component Frequency Number Points Each Total
(P) Programming Weekly 5 8 40
(X) Exam Midterm and Final 2 30 60

📗 The recommended programming language is Java and Python. Code written in other languages will be accepted. The course staff will only be able to provide help with code in Java and Python.
📗 The lowest Programming homework grade can be replaced by a programming project you choose (P6).
📗 Each of the Exams is worth 30 percent of the final grade, but you can use Quizzes and/or Discussions and/or Math homework to replace a maximum of 15 percent for each Exams.

Alternatives to exams:
Component Frequency Number Max Points Each Total
(Q) Quizzes Daily 20 0 or 0.5 10
(D) Discussions Weekly 10 0 or 1 10
(M) Math Weekly 10 0 or 1 10

📗 Discussions include: 
(1) Group discussions: you have to post at least one reply to get the points;
(2) Sharing solutions to past exam questions: sign up by leaving a comment on this Google Sheet, and make a public Piazza post (note) with the name "X?Q?" and Piazza tag d? that includes:
(i) a copy or a screenshot of your version of the question;
(ii) detailed solution and explanation to how you come up with the solution;
(iii) incorrect solutions and missing or unclear explanations will receive no points.

Component Max Points Each Max Post per Week
(D) Group Discussion 0.5 2
(D) Share Solution 0.5 2

📗 The total points earned from Quizzes, Discussions, and Math homework cannot exceed 30 percent of the final grade, but the unearned points will be used in case of borderline grades (89, 84, 79, etc).

Grade Letter Numeric
90+ A 4
85+ AB 3.5
80+ B 3
75+ BC 2.5
70+ C 2
60+ D 1
0+ F 0

📗 Midterm and final exam grades will be curved by dropping the questions with a negative point biserial correlation coefficient (RPBI < 0) or less than a quarter of the students answered correctly (PROB < 25%). The students who answered those correctly keep the points as bonus points. Quiz and homework grades will not be curved. The final grade will not be curved.

Exams Time Format Coverage
Midterm 2 x 1.5 hours 30 Short Answer W1 to W3
Final 2 x 1.5 hours 30 Short Answer W5 to W7

# Admin

📗 Instructor: Young Wu
📗 Lectures (recorded): Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 1:00 to 2:15 on Zoom: Zoom Link
📗 Office Hours (not recorded): after lectures Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 2:15 to 3:00 on Zoom: Zoom Link
📗 Programming Sessions (Java, recorded): Saturdays from 1:00 to 3:00 on Zoom: Zoom Link.
📗 Math Review Sessions (recorded): Mondays from 1:00 to 3:00 on Zoom: Zoom Link.

📗 TA: Yuye Jiang
📗 Office Hours (after guest lecture and review sessions, not recorded): 2:15 to 3:00 on Zoom: Zoom Link.
📗 Review Sessions (see schedule, recorded): 1:00 to 2:15 on Zoom: Zoom Link 

📗 TA: Naman Gupta
📗 Office Hours (program debugging, not recorded): Mondays from 3:00 to 5:00 on Zoom: Zoom Link
📗 Programming Sessions (Python, recorded): Saturdays from 1:00 to 3:00 on Zoom: Zoom Link.

Day Office Hours Staff Due
Monday 1:00 - 3:00 Young M, P, D
Monday 3:00 - 5:00 Naman -
Tuesday 2:15 - 3:00 Young Q
Wednesday 2:15 - 3:00 Young Q
Thursday 2:15 - 3:00 Young Q
Friday 2:15 - 3:00 Young Q
Saturday 1:00 - 3:00 Young -

# Course Website

📗 This webpage (for lecture notes and assignments).
📗 Summer 2019 to 2022 Courses: Link.
📗 Canvas (for grades): Link.
📗 TopHat (for quizzes): Link
📗 Piazza (for discussion): Link
📗 Professor Jerry Zhu: 2022.
📗 Professor Yingyu Liang: 2018 and 2019 and 2020
📗 Professor Sharon Li: 2021
📗 Professor Charles Dyer: 2019;
📗 Professor Jude Shavlik: 2016.

# Document Links

📗 List of M Test Pages:
M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11,
📗 List of P Pages:
P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6,
📗 List of X Test Pages:
X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8,

📗 Anonymous Feedback Form: Link
📗 Sign-up Sheets:
X: Link
📗 List of Regrade Request Forms:
M: Link, P: Link, Q: Link, X: Link.

Last Updated: July 01, 2023 at 12:30 AM