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# Q21 Quiz Instruction

📗 The quizzes must be completed during the lectures and submitted on TopHat: Link. No Canvas submissions are required. The grades will be updated by the end of the week on Canvas.
📗 Please submit a regrade request if (i) you missed a few questions because you are late or have to leave during the lecture; (ii) you selected obviously incorrect answers by mistake (one or two of these shouldn't affect your grade): Link

Answer Points Out of
Correct 1 Number of Questions
Plausible but Incorrect 1 -
Obviously Incorrect 0 -

Slides: PDF

The following questions may appear as quiz questions during the lecture. If the questions are not generated correctly, try refresh the page using the button at the top left corner.

# Question 1


# Question 2


# Question 3


# Question 4


📗 [1 points] Two players, A and B, objects, each player can pick 1 or 2 each time. Pick the last object to win. If you pick first, how many should you pick?

📗 In the diagram, the node has the player name (or G for end of game) and the subscript means how many objects are left. The terminal nodes where player A wins are marked green, and where player B wins are marked blue.
📗 Answer: .
📗 [4 points] Consider a zero-sum sequential move game with Chance. player moves first, then Chance, then . The values of the terminal states are shown in the diagram (they are the values for the Max player). What is the (expected) value of the game (for the Max player)?

📗 Note: in case the diagram is not clear, the probabilities from left to right is: , and the rewards are .
📗 Answer: .
📗 [4 points] Highlight the nodes that will be alpha-beta pruned in the following game.

📗 [4 points] Consider the following zero-sum game tree. player moves first. Draw a new game tree by re-ordering the children of each internal node (including the root), such that the new game is equivalent to the tree above, but alpha-beta pruning will prune as many nodes as possible. (You do not have to submit the drawing.) Enter the number of nodes pruned.

📗 Note: in case the diagram is not clear, the values on the leafs (each sub-branch is a row): .
📗 Answer: .

Last Updated: January 20, 2025 at 3:12 AM