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# D Discussion Topic

📗 Please create a follow-up discussion post on the Piazza (it is okay to post anonymously). No Canvas submissions are required. The grades will be updated at the end of the week on Canvas: Link

Requirement Discussion Note
Topic see below
Due Date suggested: July 31 no points after: August 13
Max per Week 2 1 per topic
Type of Post Piazza follow-up
Include (1) Image or screenshot
- (2) Brief discussion or explanation (one or two sentences)

If your post satsifies the requirements (1), (2), you will receive 0.5 points for the post.

📗 Go to the PathFinding page: Link and try to "take two minutes to design a maze that takes one minute to solve" (not literally). Share the screenshot (with the solution to the maze) on Piazza.
📗 You can try to replicate the one from Inception, but it's okay to have something less complicated.


Image from the Christopher Nolan movie "Inception" (2010) copyright Warner Bros.

# D Sharing Solutions on Piazza

📗 Use the sign-up sheet: Google Sheet. You can sign up and post anonymously (anonymous Piazza posts are not anonymous to instructors).

Requirement Past Exam Questions Note
List of Questions X6 6
Due Date suggested: July 31 no points after: August 7
Name of Post X?Q?
Max per Week suggested: 2 no points if more than 4
Piazza Tag d6
Type of Post public Piazza note
Include (1) Screenshot of the question
- (2) Detailed step-by-step solution
- (3) Brief explanation of each step

If your post satisfies the requirements (1), (2), (3), one of the course staff will "like" your post and you will receive 0.5 points for the post. Remember to use the correct Piazza tag in d1 to d12.
The past exams can be found on pages X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8,

Last Updated: February 23, 2025 at 5:48 AM