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# Lecture Slides

📗 Long Version:
📗 Short Version:

# List of Topics and Examples

📗 Socrative Game:
Which midterm is harder? Video Comments
Results: Morning (Morning Harder 73%, Afternoon Harder 14%, Similar 5%); Afternoon (Morning Harder 35%, Afternoon Harder 23%, Similar 13%)

📗 Definitions and Theorems:
(1) Monopoly mark-up formula

📗 Algorithms:
(1) Finding Nash equilibrium for strategic form game with continuous actions (best response functions, best response correspondence)

📗 Examples:
(1) Cournot Duopoly with different MC: Excel File - Morning ; Excel File - Afternoon
(2) Cournot Oligopoly with same MC

📗 Problems:
File: Questions ; Answers.

(1) Duopoly with Quadratic Costs
(2) Duopoly with Fixed Costs: Video Explanation
(3) Oligopoly with Different Marginal Costs
(4) Monopoly with Quadratic Costs
(5) Monopoly with Constant Elasticity Demand
Workbook (recommended): 25.1, 25.2, 25.4, 25.5, 25.6
Workbook (doable): 25.3

# Related Questions

(32) When should I solve a continuous action game using best response function / correspondence? A: Whichever one the question asks, full correspondence is always preferred, but sometimes when the algebra is too difficult, do not bother. The fixed cost duopoly problem can be solved with or without the full best response correspondence. This video explains how to do it with the correspondence method: Video Explanation

# ChatBox

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Last Updated: July 14, 2024 at 8:40 PM