Mark D. Hill
Gene M. Amdahl & John P. Morgridge
Professor Emeritus of Computer Sciences
Web Documents
Web-Only Documents
- Mark D. Hill,
On Parallelism
in Electronic Computing With Apologies to the Author of Genesis,
Introductory Remarks for Single-Threaded versus Multi-Threaded Debate vs. Yale Patt, FCRC/ISCA/CARD, Phoenix, AZ, June 2019.
- Mark D. Hill,
Presentation Advice, including David Patterson's
How to Give a Bad Talk.
- Mark D. Hill, Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Mary Hall, Joe Marks, Paolo Prinetto,
Donna Baglio, et al.,
Health of Conferences WIKI, 2006.
- Mark D. Hill and Min Xu
A Stress Test for Deterministic Execution.
- Mark D. Hill,
for Authoring Grant Proposals.
- Mark D. Hill,
Life Lessons from Squash and Tennis.
- Mark D. Hill,
Commandments for Poor Technology Transfer.
- Mark D. Hill and David Wood,
Conference Etiquette.
- Mark D. Hill and Guri Sohi,
International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) Hall of Fame.
- Mark D. Hill and Ravi Rajwar,
Rise and Fall of Multiprocessor Papers in the International Symposium
on Computer Architecture.
- Ravi Rajwar and Mark D. Hill,
Memory Online.
- Shubu Mukherjee and Mark D. Hill,
I/O Bandwidths.
- Advice Regarding the 2005 International Symposium on Computer Architecture
(ISCA 2005)
Tools and Data
- Wisconsin Multifacet, General Execution-driven Multiprocessor Simulator (GEMS)
- Jan Elder and Mark D. Hill, DineroIV Trace-Driven Uniprocessor Cache Simulator
- Glenn Ammons, et al., Wisconsin Architectural Research Tool Set (WARTS)
- Carrie Pritchard, Caitlin Scopel, Mark D. Hill, Guri Sohi, and David Wood,
Acceptance Rates (sheet 1) and Program Committee Memberships (sheet 2) for
Selected Architecture Conferences (excel workbook)
- Jason Cantin and Mark D. Hill, Cache
Performance for Selected SPEC CPU2000 Benchmarks
- Jeffery Gee, et al., Online
Raw Data for
Cache Performance of the SPEC92 Benchmark Suite
Documents by Others
- Nick Feamster,
Do You Need a Ph.D.?, Medium, August 31, 2020.
- Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau,
Graduate School: KEYS TO SUCCESS (in research), 2015.
- John Gagarro and John Kotter, Harvard Business Review,
Managing Your Boss, 1993 reprint of a 1979 article.
- Raj Jain,
Relationships among probability distributions from p. 500 of The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling, 1st Edition, Wiley, 1991.
- Richard Hamming,
You and Your Research
(transcript of 03/07/86 talk at Bell Labs).
- Shing Kong,
The Elements of Logic Design Style.
- Milo Martin,
to Give a Bad Practice Talk.
- David Patterson,
How to Have a Bad Career in Research/Academia.
- John Platt,
Strong Inference
(applying the scientific method from Science, 16 Oct. 1964).
- George D. Gopen and Judith A. Swan,
The Science of Scientific Writing,
American Scientist, 78(6) 550-558, November-December 1990
- Alan Jay Smith, The
Task of the Referee (IEEE Computer, 4/90).
- Howard Raiffa with John Richardson and David Medcalfe,
Interests: The Measure of Negotiation, Chapter 4 of
Negotiation Analysis: The Science and Art of Collaborative Decision Making, 2003.
- Melvin E. Conway,
How Do Committees Invent,
Datamation, April 1968 (Conway's Law).