| Cuts and Montage | Faces | Crowds and Multi-Character Perception | Narrative Perception |
| Motion Perception | General Perception | Scene Perception | Impact of Audio |
| Character Behavior | Lighting |

Cuts and Montage

1) Hochberg, J and V Brooks. "Film Cutting and Visual Momentum." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

A discussion of how film can be used to control the viewers attention. Provides a detailed follow-up to “Movies in the Mind’s Eye”.


2) Mangun GR. Looking Inward: the Mindʼs Eye Focuses on Mental Representations. Frontiers in neuroscience. 2008;2(2):133-4. PubMed

A brief introduction to visual short term memory.


3) Simons, D and D Levin. "Ideas of Lasting Influence." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford.  Google Books

Application of change blindness and gaze cues to the perception of film.

4) Tan E. "On the Cognitive Ecology of the Cinema." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

A review and follow-up analysis of “Film Cutting and Visual Momentum.”


5) Wiese E. Gibson at the Movies. Leonardo. 1982;15(4):287-290. PDF

Survey of Gibson’s perspective on cinematic techniques supplemented with rebuttals of modern psychological theory.


1) Benton CP, Etchells PJ, Porter G, et al. Turning the other cheek: the viewpoint dependence of facial expression after-effects. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society. 2007;274(1622):2131-7. PubMed

Exploration of the impact of facial after-effects when viewing faces from different angles in order to understand the viewpoint-dependency of facial adaptation.

2) Berisha F, Johnston A, Mcowan PW. Identifying regions that carry the best information about global facial configurations. Journal of Vision. 2010;10:1-8. Journal of Vision

Discussion of key identifying characteristics of faces.

3) Cook R, Johnston A. Exploring expression space : Adaptation to orthogonal and anti-expressions. Journal of Vision. 2011;11:1-9. PDF

Presents a series of experiments to determine how facial expressions are coded by perceptual mechanisms.

4) Faivre N, Kouider S. Multi-feature objects elicit nonconscious priming despite crowding. Journal of Vision. 2011;11:1-10. Journal of Vision

Explores the perception of faces in the periphery as well as recognition rates of “strange” versus “famous” faces.

5) Farzin F, Rivera SM, Whitney D. Holistic crowding of Mooney faces. Journal of vision. 2009;9(6):1-29. Journal of Vision

Analysis of the crowding phenomena on Mooney faces with specific focus on facial recognition in the periphery and under several flanker conditions.

6) Haberman J, Whitney D. Ensemble Perception : summarizing the scene and broadening the limits of visual processing. ocf.berkeley.edu. 2009:1-21. PDF

Survey of the applications of ensemble perception to different aspects of visual perception.

7) Louie EG, Bressler DW, Whitney D. Holistic crowding : Selective interference between configural representations of faces in crowded scenes. Journal of Vision. 2007;7:1-11. Journal of Vision

Exploration of the impact of orientation on facial crowding.

8) Webster MA, Kaping D, Mizokami Y, Duhamel P. Adaptation to natural facial categories. Nature. 2004;428(April):357-360. Journal of Vision

Adaptation effects between faces biases the perceptual system towards natural facial variation.

9) Zhao W, Chellappa R, Phillips PJ, Rosenfeld A. Face recognition: A literature survey. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR). 2003;35(4):399–458. PDF

Survey of facial recognition mechanisms and techniques focusing on machine learning motivations and applications.

Crowds and Multi-Character  Perception

1) Anstis S, Kim J. Local versus global perception of ambiguous motion displays. Journal of Vision. 2011;11:1-12. Journal of Vision

Explores motion as a global or local phenomena based on the simultaneous motion of different sets of objects.

2) Ennis C, Mcdonnell R, O'Sullivan C. Seeing is Believing : Body Motion Dominates in Multisensory Conversations. SIGGRAPH. 2010. ACM

Explores the impact of visual desynchronization of body movements, gestures and voices in multi-character interactive scenarios.

3) Faivre N, Kouider S. Multi-feature objects elicit nonconscious priming despite crowding. Journal of Vision. 2011;11:1-10. Journal of Vision

Explores the perception of faces in the periphery as well as recognition rates of “strange” versus “famous” faces.

4) Farzin F, Rivera SM, Whitney D. Holistic crowding of Mooney faces. Journal of Vision. 2009;9(6):1-29. Journal of Vision

Analysis of the crowding phenomena on Mooney faces with specific focus on facial recognition in the periphery and under several flanker conditions.

5) Haberman J, Whitney D. Ensemble Perception : summarizing the scene and broadening the limits of visual processing. ocf.berkeley.edu. 2009:1-21. PDF

Survey of the applications of ensemble perception to different aspects of visual perception.

6) Louie EG, Bressler DW, Whitney D. Holistic crowding : Selective interference between configural representations of faces in crowded scenes. Journal of Vision. 2007;7:1-11. Journal of Vision

Exploration of the impact of orientation on facial crowding.

7) Webster MA, Kaping D, Mizokami Y, Duhamel P. Adaptation to natural facial categories. Nature. 2004;428(April):357-360. Journal of Vision

Adaptation effects between faces biases the perceptual system towards natural facial variation.

Narrative Perception

1) Hochberg, J and V Brooks. "Movies in the Mind's Eye." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., &
Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

Overview of the perceptual processes involved in film perception.

2) Hochberg, J and V Brooks. "Film Cutting and Visual Momentum." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

A discussion of how film can be used to control the viewers attention. Provides a detailed follow-up to “Movies in the Mind’s Eye”.

3) Tan E. "On the Cognitive Ecology of the Cinema." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford . Google Books

A review and follow-up analysis of “Film Cutting and Visual Momentum.”

4) Wiese E. Gibson at the Movies. Leonardo. 1982;15(4):287-290. PDF

Survey of Gibson’s perspective on cinematic techniques supplemented with rebuttals of modern psychological theory.

Motion Perception

1) Anstis S, Kim J. Local versus global perception of ambiguous motion displays. Journal of Vision. 2011;11:1-12. Journal of Vision

Explores motion as a global or local phenomena based on the simultaneous motion of different sets of objects.

2) Bodenheimer B, Shleyfman AV, Hodgins JK. The Effects of Noise on the Perception of Animated Human Running. Computer Animation and Simulation. 1999. PDF

Introduces variable degrees of biomechanical noise into running motions to test how much noise makes a human running gait appear “natural”.

3) Hirai M, Saunders DR, Troje NF. Allocation of attention to biological motion: Local motion dominates global shape. Journal of Vision. 2011;11(3):1-11. Journal of Vision

Accuracy of motion is heavily biased by the local movement of foot points in space.

4) Hochberg, J and E McAlister. "A Quantitative Approach to Figural "Goodness"." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

Comparison of Kofermann cubes to determine how symmetry impacts the perceived dimensionality of a figure.


5) Hochberg, J and V Brooks. "Movies in the Mind's Eye." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

Overview of the perceptual processes involved in film perception.

6) Klopfer D. "Mental Structure in Experts' Perception of Human Movement"." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

Application of motion perception to dance and evaluation of expertise and structure on the perception of dance films.


7) McDonnell R, Jörg S, McHugh J, Newell FN, OʼSullivan C. Investigating the role of body shape on the perception of emotion. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception. 2009;6(3):1-11. PDF

Analysis of the impact of character form on the perception of emotion from animated motions.

8) OʼSullivan C, Howlett S, Morvan Y, McDonnell R, OʼConor K. Perceptually adaptive graphics. Eurographics state of the art reports. 2004;4. PDF

Survey of foundational work on the impact of perception in interactive images, rendering, and animation.

9) Post RB, Welch RB, Whitney D. Egocentric and allocentric localization during induced motion. Experimental Brain Research. 2008;191(4):495-504. PDF

Evaluation of the impact of induced motion on the perception of the egocentric and allocentric positions of objects determining that the egocentric, not allocentric, locations are impacted by induced motion.

10) Reitsma PSA, O'Sullivan C. Effect of Scenario on Perceptual Sensitivity to Errors in Animation. Measurement. 2009;6(3). PDF

Explores the impact of realism on the viewer’s tolerance for errors in simulation concluding that people are more error tolerant to realistic simulations.

11) Skrba L, OʼSullivan C. Human perception of quadruped motion. Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization - APGV ’09. 2009:130. PDF

Experimental analysis of the ability of people to identify different species of animals from their respective motion captures.

12) Tan E. "On the Cognitive Ecology of the Cinema." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

A review and follow-up analysis of “Film Cutting and Visual Momentum.”

13) Whitney D, Cavanagh P. Motion distorts visual space: shifting the perceived position of remote stationary objects. Nature neuroscience. 2000;3(9):954-9. PDF

Exploration of factors impacting the perceived location of different objects in visual space.

General Perception

1) Cutting J. "Framing the Rules of Perception." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

A comparison of several famous perceptual theories.

2) Hochberg, J. "Perception, Toward the Recovery of a Definition." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

Provides an exploration of the grounding of perception fundamentals.

Scene Perception

1) Cutting J. "Framing the Rules of Perception." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

A comparison of several famous perceptual theories.


2) Haberman J, Whitney D. Ensemble Perception : summarizing the scene and broadening the limits of visual processing. ocf.berkeley.edu. 2009:1-21. PDF

Survey of the applications of ensemble perception to different aspects of visual perception.


3) Hochberg, J and E McAlister. "A Quantitative Approach to Figural "Goodness"." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

Comparison of Kofermann cubes to determine how symmetry impacts the perceived dimensionality of a figure.

4) Olkkonen M, Hansen T, Gegenfurtner KR. Categorical color constancy for real surfaces. Journal of Vision. 2010;10:1-22. Journal of Vision

Exploration of the robustness of color categorization and classification under different illumination schemes.

5) Pomerantz, J. "Piecemeal Perception and Hochberg's Window: Grouping of Stimulus Elements Over Distances." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

Discussion of global perception of scene from the Gestalt perspective and piecemeal perception from the Hochberg perspective.


Impact of Audio

1) Carter E, Sharan L, Trutoiu L, Matthews I, and J Hodgins. 2010. Perceptually motivated guidelines for voice synchronization in film. ACM Trans. Appl. Percept. 7, 4, Article 23 (July 2010), 12 pages. PDF

Examines the affects of audio visual synchrony and pitch on perceived performance and emotion.

2) Ennis C, Mcdonnell R, O'Sullivan C. Seeing is Believing : Body Motion Dominates in Multisensory Conversations. SIGGRAPH. 2010. ACM

Explores the impact of visual desynchronization of body movements, gestures and voices in multi-character interactive scenarios.

3) Reitsma PSA, O'Sullivan C. Effect of Scenario on Perceptual Sensitivity to Errors in Animation. Journal of Vision. 2009;6(3). PDF

Explores the impact of realism on the viewer’s tolerance for errors in simulation.


Character Behavior

1) Ennis C, Mcdonnell R, O'Sullivan C. Seeing is Believing : Body Motion Dominates in Multisensory Conversations. SIGGRAPH. 2010. ACM

Explores the impact of visual desynchronization of body movements, gestures and voices in multi-character interactive scenarios.

2) Hochberg, J and E McAlister. "A Quantitative Approach to Figural "Goodness"." Hochberg, Julian E. & Peterson, Mary A., & Gillam, Barbara. & Sedgwick, H. A.  2007  In the mind's eye : Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world / edited by Mary A. Peterson, Barbara Gillam, H.A. Sedgwick  Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford. Google Books

Comparison of Kofermann cubes to determine how symmetry impacts the perceived dimensionality of a figure.


3) Peters, C. and O'Sullivan, C. A memory model for autonomous virtual humans. Eurographics Ireland 2002 Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, pp 21 - 26. PDF

Introduces the idea of memory in virtual agents as a mechanism for promoting realistic interaction with their environments.

4) Peters C, OʼSullivan C. Bottom-up visual attention for virtual human animation. Proceedings 11th IEEE International Workshop on Program Comprehension.111-117. IEEE

Introduces a system for mimicking attention in virtual agents to increase the realism of their behaviors.



1) 1. Shea JPO, Banks MS. The influence of shape cues on the perception of lighting direction. Journal of Vision. 2010;10:1-21. PDF

Study exploring how people approximate lighting direction from shaded figures.

2)OʼSullivan C, Howlett S, Morvan Y, McDonnell R, OʼConor K. Perceptually adaptive graphics. Eurographics state of the art reports. 2004;4. PDF

Survey of foundational work on the impact of perception in interactive images, rendering, and animation.

3) Radonjić A, Gilchrist A. Adjacency and surroundedness in the depth effect on lightness. Journal of Vision. 2010;10:1-16. Journal of Vision

Lighting and illumination has power over the presentation of depth cues in a scene.


| Cuts and Montage | Faces | Crowding and Multi-Character Perception | Narrative Perception |
| Motion Perception | General Perception | Scene Perception | Impact of Audio |
| Character Behavior | Lighting |