Felipe Gutierrez Barragan

Felipe Gutierrez Barragan

Ph.D. Candidate

University of Wisconsin-Madison


I am a final year Ph.D. student at UW-Madison advised by Prof. Andreas Velten and Prof. Mohit Gupta. My work is at the intersection of computer vision, signal processing, optics, and machine learning. My Ph.D. research has focused on practical modifications to direct and indirect time-of-flight 3D cameras to reduce their power consumption and data bandwidth while preserving or increasing their precision.


  • Computational Imaging
  • Time-of-Flight and LIDAR Imaging
  • Single-Photon Cameras


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, present

    University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • M.S. in Computer Science, 2018

    University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • B.S. in Applied Math, Engineering, and Physics (AMEP), 2016

    University of Wisconsin-Madison



Modular ToF Camera

Modular ToF Camera

A modular time-of-flight imaging system built from off-the-shelf optics and electronics

Image Retrieval

Image Retrieval

Content-based image retrieval with capsule networks.

ToF Codes and MPI

ToF Codes and MPI

Performance of ToF coding functions under global illumination

FPGA Programming

FPGA Programming

FPGA control of Quadcopter motors

Learning ToF Depth Estimation

Learning ToF Depth Estimation

Depth Inference from ToF data with Neural Networks

Space Debris Modeling

Space Debris Modeling

Stochastic model of space debris generation and reduction. Meritoriuous winner (top 8%) at Math Contest in Modeling 2016.

Charm SPH

Charm SPH

Distributed-memory SPH simulation with Charm++

Geo-distributed ML

Geo-distributed Machine Learning with the Parameter Server

Permutation Testing

GPU and multi-core implementations of permutation testing

Mesh to Point Cloud Tool

Mesh to Point Cloud Tool

Convert a mesh to a point cloud.

Metrics Database

Metrics Database

Metrics database and Web API for Project Chrono


  • fgutierrez3@wisc.edu