CS 537: Intro to Operating Systems

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Computer Sciences
Summer 2017

Basic Information

Section 1:
Lecture: MTWR 3:00pm - 4:30pm @ Psych 105
Instructor: Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj
Email: gerald@cs.wisc.edu
Office Hours: Tue, Fri 9-10am and by appt.
Office: CS4384
Webpage: pages.cs.wisc.edu/~gerald

Teaching Assistants

Office Hours Schedule

Piazza: Link to Piazza

Important Links

Overview - Books - Projects - Exams - Grades


NOTE: This schedule is subject to change.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
06/18 06/19 Intro 1 2 code 06/20 Processes 3 4 6 code 06/21 System Calls traps slides 06/22 P1 Discuss week1 06/23 06/24
06/25 06/26 Context Switch sched slides 06/27 Scheduling 7 8 slides 06/28 Process API 5 11, Mem 12 13 06/29 Mem Mgmt 15 16 slides week2 06/30 07/01
07/02 07/03 Paging 18 w0 notes 07/04 NO CLASS 07/05 Paging:Issues 18 w1 notes video 07/06 Paging:TLBs 19 w2 notes 07/07 MIDTERM 1 07/08 P2b Discuss notes
07/09 07/10 Midterm1 w3 07/11 Paging:Smaller 20 notes 07/12 Fancy Tables 20 w4 notes 07/13 Swapping 21 22 24 notes 07/14 07/15 P3a Discuss notes
07/16 P3b Discuss notes 07/17 Threads 25 26 27 notes code w5 07/18 Locks 28 29 notes code w6 07/19 Advanced Locks 28 notes w7 07/20 CVs 30 notes w8 07/21 MIDTERM 2 07/22
07/23 07/24 Semaphores 31 notes w9 07/25 Zemaphore 31 notes 07/26 Deadlocks 32 notes w10 07/27 I/O Devices 35 36 notes 07/28 07/29 P4b Discuss notes
07/30 P4a Discuss slides 07/31 Disks 37 notes v1 v2 v3 w11 08/01 Disk Sched 37 notes w12 08/02 RAID, RAID++ 38 notes w13 08/03 File System 39 notes w14
08/04 08/05 FS Impl 40 notes, P5b Discuss slides notes
08/06 P5a Discuss I II slides 08/07 FFS 41 notes w15 08/08 Journaling 42 notes w16 w17 08/09 LFS 43 notes w18 w19 08/10 Flash SSDs I notes 08/11 FINAL EXAM 08/12
08/13 08/14 P5: DUE 08/15 08/16 08/17 08/18 08/19