Jia Xu, Ph.D.
Email: jiaxu [at] cs.wisc.edu
I am the Head of AI and General Manager at Huya Inc. I was a principal researcher and manager at Tencent AI Lab. Before returning to China, I worked as a senior research scientist in
the Intel Visual Computing Lab, lead by the awesome Vladlen Koltun.
I received my Ph.D. in Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
with my thesis committee of Prof. Vikas Singh (advisor),
Prof. Chuck Dyer,
Prof. Jerry Zhu,
Prof. Jude Shavlik, and
Prof. Mark Craven.
I was a visiting student in University of Toronto and in
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago,
both working with the amazing Prof. Raquel Urtasun.
Before graduate school, I obtained my B.S. degree from
the Department of Computer Science and Technology
at Nanjing
University, China.
We are hiring motivated researchers/engineers/interns. If you work on computer vision/graphics, deep learning, speech recognition, or natual langrage processing, feel free to contact me.
What's New
May. 2021:
Our Learning by Distillation paper was accepted to
Mar. 2021:
Our Few-Shot Human Motion Transfer paper was accepted to
CVPR 2021.
Sep. 2020:
Our 3D Face Reconstruction paper was accepted to
ACCV 2020 for full oral presentation.
Feb. 2020:
Our Flow2Stereo paper was accepted to
CVPR 2020. State-of-the-art self-supervised learning results
for Optical Flow and Stereo Matching on KITTI 2012 and 2015.
Jun. 2019:
Our SelFlow paper was selected in the
CVPR Best Paper Finalist.
Mar. 2019:
Our Self-Supervised Optical Flow Learning paper was selected for full oral presentation at
CVPR 2019. This was the Winner entry of Sintel Optical Flow Benchmark from 11/2018 tp 11/2019.
Feb. 2019:
Two papers were accepted to
CVPR 2019. Congratulations to my interns Pengpeng and Jing, these are their very first CVPR papers!
Dec. 2018:
Our DHER paper was accepted to
ICLR 2019. Congratulations to team!
Nov. 2018:
Our DDFlow paper was accepted to
AAAI 2019 as oral presentation. Congratulations to my intern, Pengpeng! This is Pengpeng's very first paper published at a top tier conference.
Aug. 2018: Together with my intern Shiyu and collaborators at Tsinghua University, we won the Visual Doom AI Competition 2018.
Feb. 2018:
Our Learning to See in the Dark paper was accepted to
CVPR 2018.
July 2017:
Our Fast Image Processing paper was accepted to
ICCV 2017.
Feb. 2017:
Our DCFlow paper was accepted to
CVPR 2017. Winner on the Sintel Optical Flow Benchmark from 11/2016 to 11/2017.
Research Projects
Optical Flow
Flow2Stereo: Effective Self-Supervised Learning of Optical Flow and Stereo Matching, CVPR 2020
SelFlow: Self-Supervised Learning of Optical Flow, CVPR 2019
DDFlow: Learning Optical Flow with Unlabeled Data Distillation, AAAI 2019
DCFlow: Accurate Optical Flow via Direct Cost Volume Processing, CVPR 2017
Fast Image Processing
Learning to See in the Dark, CVPR 2018
Fast Image Processing with Fully-Convolutional Networks, ICCV 2019
Semantic Segmentation
Learning to Segment Under Various Forms of Weak Supervision, CVPR 2015
Tell Me What You See and I will Show You Where It Is, CVPR 2014
Gaze-enabled Egocentric Video Summarization
Gaze-enabled Egocentric Video Summarization via Constrained Submodular Maximization, CVPR 2014
Structured Sparsity for Video Segmentation and Spectral Clustering
Spectral Clustering with a Convex Regularizer on Millions of Images, ECCV 2014
GOSUS: Grassmannian Online Subspace Updates with Structured-sparsity, ICCV 2013
Interactive Segmentation and Contour Completion
Incorporating Topological Constraints within Interactive Segmentation and Contour Completion via Discrete Calculus, CVPR 2012
Analyzing the Subspace Structure of Related Images: Concurrent Segmentation of Image Sets, ECCV 2012
Random Walks based Multi-Image Cosegmentation: : Quasiconvexity Results and GPU-based Solutions, CVPR 2012