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Re: Election result & applied statistics

> >...
> >The communists won 85 per cent, or 384 out of 450 seats, in the
> >July 20 National Assembly elections, results released by Vu Mao,
> >chairman of the assembly's office, show.
> Wow! If I remember correctly, before the election the NA did a survey
> which indicated that 85% would vote Communists. At the time, I cautioned
> about the possible scientific pitfalls of the methodologies of such
> a survey. Nevertheless, the result from the survey is actually spot on (*).
> A great triumph for applied statistics! Applied statisticians and 
> election poll makers worldwide: take note.
> Huy
> (*) assuming that the population and the political affiliation
> of the candidates are distributed uniformly over the constituencies.

Ba'c Huy nha^`m ru`i. Lu'c gio+'i thie^.u Lua^.t ba^`u cu+? quo^'c ho^.i
mo+'i va`o phie^n ho.p cuo^'i cu`ng cu?a quo^'c ho^.i kho'a vu+`a qua,
ba'c Vu~ Ma~o co' ba?o ddda>?ng vien se~ chie^'m 80% so^' dda.i bie^?u
quo^'c ho^.i ky` to+'i, chu+' kho^ng pha?i 85% nhu+ ba'c Huy nho+' nha^`m.
