Classes |
class | pqxx::binarystring |
| Reveals "unescaped" version of PostgreSQL bytea string. More...
class | pqxx::cachedresult |
class | pqxx::connection |
| Connection class; represents an immediate connection to a database. More...
class | pqxx::lazyconnection |
| Lazy connection class; represents a deferred connection to a database. More...
class | pqxx::asyncconnection |
| Asynchronous connection class; connects "in the background". More...
class | pqxx::nullconnection |
| Nonfunctional, always-null connection class for debugging purposes. More...
struct | pqxx::noticer |
| Base class for user-definable error/warning message processor. More...
class | pqxx::connection_base |
| connection_base abstract base class; represents a connection to a database. More...
class | pqxx::Cursor |
| SQL cursor class. More...
struct | pqxx::Cursor::unknown_position |
| Exception thrown when cursor position is requested, but is unknown. More...
class | pqxx::cursor_base |
| Common definitions for cursor types. More...
class | pqxx::icursorstream |
| Simple read-only cursor represented as a stream of results. More...
class | pqxx::icursor_iterator |
| Approximate istream_iterator for icursorstream. More...
class | pqxx::dbtransaction |
| Abstract base class responsible for bracketing a backend transaction. More...
class | pqxx::broken_connection |
| Exception class for lost backend connection. More...
class | pqxx::sql_error |
| Exception class for failed queries. More...
class | pqxx::in_doubt_error |
| "Help, I don't know whether transaction was committed successfully!" More...
struct | pqxx::isolation_traits< LEVEL > |
| Traits class to describe an isolation level; primarly for libpqxx's own use. More...
class | pqxx::largeobject |
| Identity of a large object. More...
class | pqxx::largeobjectaccess |
| Accessor for large object's contents. More...
class | pqxx::largeobject_streambuf< CHAR, TRAITS > |
| Streambuf to use large objects in standard I/O streams. More...
class | pqxx::basic_ilostream< CHAR, TRAITS > |
| Input stream that gets its data from a large object. More...
class | pqxx::basic_olostream< CHAR, TRAITS > |
| Output stream that writes data back to a large object. More...
class | pqxx::basic_lostream< CHAR, TRAITS > |
| Stream that reads and writes a large object. More...
class | pqxx::nontransaction |
| Simple "transaction" class offering no transactional integrity. More...
class | pqxx::pipeline |
| Processes several queries in FIFO manner, optimized for high throughput. More...
class | pqxx::pipeline::Query |
class | pqxx::result |
| Query or command result set. More...
class | pqxx::result::tuple |
| Reference to one row in a result. More...
class | pqxx::result::field |
| Reference to a field in a result set. More...
class | pqxx::result::const_iterator |
| Iterator for rows (tuples) in a query result set. More...
class | pqxx::result::const_reverse_iterator |
class | pqxx::result::const_fielditerator |
class | pqxx::result::const_reverse_fielditerator |
class | pqxx::field_streambuf< CHAR, TRAITS > |
class | pqxx::basic_fieldstream< CHAR, TRAITS > |
| Input stream that gets its data from a result field. More...
class | pqxx::basic_robusttransaction |
class | pqxx::robusttransaction< ISOLATIONLEVEL > |
| Slightly slower, better-fortified version of transaction. More...
class | pqxx::tablereader |
| Efficiently pull data directly out of a table. More...
class | pqxx::tablestream |
| Base class for streaming data to/from database tables. More...
class | pqxx::tablewriter |
| Efficiently write data directly to a database table. More...
class | pqxx::basic_transaction |
class | pqxx::transaction< ISOLATIONLEVEL > |
| Standard back-end transaction, templatized on isolation level. More...
class | pqxx::transaction_base |
| Interface definition (and common code) for "transaction" classes. More...
class | pqxx::transactor< TRANSACTION > |
| Wrapper for transactions that automatically restarts them on failure. More...
class | pqxx::trigger |
| "Observer" base class for trigger notifications. More...
class | pqxx::items< T, CONT > |
| Container of items with easy contents initialization and string rendering. More...
Typedefs |
typedef cachedresult | CachedResult |
typedef connection | Connection |
typedef lazyconnection | LazyConnection |
typedef connection_base | ConnectionItf |
typedef largeobject | LargeObject |
typedef largeobjectaccess | LargeObjectAccess |
typedef basic_ilostream< char > | ilostream |
typedef basic_olostream< char > | olostream |
typedef basic_lostream< char > | lostream |
typedef nontransaction | NonTransaction |
typedef binarystring | BinaryString |
typedef result | Result |
typedef basic_fieldstream<
char > | fieldstream |
typedef robusttransaction<
read_committed > | RobustTransaction |
typedef tablereader | TableReader |
typedef tablestream | TableStream |
typedef tablewriter | TableWriter |
typedef transaction< read_committed > | Transaction |
typedef transaction | work |
| Bog-standard, default transaction type.
typedef transaction_base | TransactionItf |
typedef transactor< transaction<
read_committed > > | Transactor |
typedef trigger | Trigger |
typedef PQXXPQ::Oid | oid |
| PostgreSQL row identifier type.
Enumerations |
enum | isolation_level { read_committed,
} |
| Transaction isolation levels; PostgreSQL doesn't implement all SQL levels. More...
Functions |
PGSTD::string PQXX_LIBEXPORT | escape_binary (const PGSTD::string &bin) |
| Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.
PGSTD::string PQXX_LIBEXPORT | escape_binary (const char bin[]) |
| Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.
PGSTD::string PQXX_LIBEXPORT | escape_binary (const char bin[], size_t len) |
| Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.
PGSTD::string PQXX_LIBEXPORT | escape_binary (const unsigned char bin[]) |
| Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.
PGSTD::string PQXX_LIBEXPORT | escape_binary (const unsigned char bin[], size_t len) |
| Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.
template<typename STREAM> |
STREAM & | operator<< (STREAM &S, const pqxx::result::field &F) |
| Write a result field to any type of stream.
template<typename T> |
void | from_string (const result::field &F, T &Obj) |
| Convert a field's string contents to another type.
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const result::field &Obj) |
| Convert a field to a string.
result::const_iterator | operator+ (result::const_iterator::difference_type o, result::const_iterator i) |
result::const_reverse_iterator | operator+ (result::const_reverse_iterator::difference_type n, const result::const_reverse_iterator &i) |
result::const_fielditerator | operator+ (result::const_fielditerator::difference_type o, result::const_fielditerator i) |
template<typename T> |
void | error_unsupported_type_in_string_conversion (T) |
| Dummy name, used by libpqxx in deliberate link errors.
template<typename T> |
PGSTD::string | error_ambiguous_string_conversion (T) |
| Dummy name, used to generate meaningful link errors.
template<typename T> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], T &Obj) |
| Attempt to convert postgres-generated string to given built-in type.
template<> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], long &) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], unsigned long &) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], int &) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], unsigned int &) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], short &) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], unsigned short &) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], float &) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], double &) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], bool &) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], PGSTD::string &Obj) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const char Str[], PGSTD::stringstream &Obj) |
template<typename T> |
void | from_string (const PGSTD::string &Str, T &Obj) |
template<typename T> |
void | from_string (const PGSTD::stringstream &Str, T &Obj) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const PGSTD::string &Str, PGSTD::string &Obj) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const PGSTD::string &, const char &Obj) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const PGSTD::string &, const signed char &Obj) |
template<> |
void | from_string (const PGSTD::string &, const unsigned char &Obj) |
template<typename T> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const T &) |
| Convert built-in type to a readable string that PostgreSQL will understand.
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const short &) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const unsigned short &) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const int &) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const unsigned int &) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const long &) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const unsigned long &) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const float &) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const double &) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const bool &) |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const char Obj[]) |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const PGSTD::stringstream &Obj) |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const PGSTD::string &Obj) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const char &) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const signed char &Obj) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | to_string (const unsigned char &Obj) |
template<typename ITER> |
PGSTD::string | separated_list (const PGSTD::string &sep, ITER begin, ITER end) |
| Render items list as a string, using given separator between items.
template<typename CONTAINER> |
PGSTD::string | separated_list (const PGSTD::string &sep, const CONTAINER &c) |
| Render items in a container as a string, using given separator.
template<typename T> |
PGSTD::string | ToString (const T &Obj) |
| Convert object of built-in type to string.
template<> |
PGSTD::string | ToString (const PGSTD::string &Obj) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | ToString (const char *const &Obj) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | ToString (char *const &Obj) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | ToString (const unsigned char *const &Obj) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | ToString (const bool &Obj) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | ToString (const short &Obj) |
template<> |
PGSTD::string | ToString (const unsigned short &Obj) |
template<typename T> |
void | FromString (const char Str[], T &Obj) |
| Convert string to object of built-in type.
template<> |
void | FromString (const char Str[], PGSTD::string &Obj) |
template<> |
void | FromString (const char Str[], const char *&Obj) |
template<> |
void | FromString (const char Str[], const unsigned char *&Obj) |
template<> |
void | FromString (const char Str[], bool &Obj) |
PGSTD::string | sqlesc (const char str[]) |
| Escape nul-terminated string for inclusion in SQL strings.
PGSTD::string | sqlesc (const char str[], size_t maxlen) |
| Escape string for inclusion in SQL strings.
PGSTD::string | sqlesc (const PGSTD::string &) |
| Escape string for inclusion in SQL strings.
template<typename T> |
PGSTD::string | Quote (const T &Obj, bool EmptyIsNull) |
| Quote string for use in SQL.
template<> |
PGSTD::string | Quote (const PGSTD::string &Obj, bool EmptyIsNull) |
| std::string version, on which the other versions are built
template<> |
PGSTD::string | Quote (const char *const &Obj, bool EmptyIsNull) |
| Special case for const char *, accepting null pointer as null value.
template<int LEN> |
PGSTD::string | Quote (const char(&Obj)[LEN], bool EmptyIsNull) |
| Specialization for string constants.
template<typename T> |
PGSTD::string | Quote (T Obj) |
| Quote string for use in SQL.
Variables |
const oid | oid_none = 0 |
| The "null" oid.