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pqxx Namespace Reference

The home of all libpqxx classes, functions, templates, etc. More...


class  pqxx::binarystring
 Reveals "unescaped" version of PostgreSQL bytea string. More...
class  pqxx::cachedresult
class  pqxx::connection
 Connection class; represents an immediate connection to a database. More...
class  pqxx::lazyconnection
 Lazy connection class; represents a deferred connection to a database. More...
class  pqxx::asyncconnection
 Asynchronous connection class; connects "in the background". More...
class  pqxx::nullconnection
 Nonfunctional, always-null connection class for debugging purposes. More...
struct  pqxx::noticer
 Base class for user-definable error/warning message processor. More...
class  pqxx::connection_base
 connection_base abstract base class; represents a connection to a database. More...
class  pqxx::Cursor
 SQL cursor class. More...
struct  pqxx::Cursor::unknown_position
 Exception thrown when cursor position is requested, but is unknown. More...
class  pqxx::cursor_base
 Common definitions for cursor types. More...
class  pqxx::icursorstream
 Simple read-only cursor represented as a stream of results. More...
class  pqxx::icursor_iterator
 Approximate istream_iterator for icursorstream. More...
class  pqxx::dbtransaction
 Abstract base class responsible for bracketing a backend transaction. More...
class  pqxx::broken_connection
 Exception class for lost backend connection. More...
class  pqxx::sql_error
 Exception class for failed queries. More...
class  pqxx::in_doubt_error
 "Help, I don't know whether transaction was committed successfully!" More...
struct  pqxx::isolation_traits< LEVEL >
 Traits class to describe an isolation level; primarly for libpqxx's own use. More...
class  pqxx::largeobject
 Identity of a large object. More...
class  pqxx::largeobjectaccess
 Accessor for large object's contents. More...
class  pqxx::largeobject_streambuf< CHAR, TRAITS >
 Streambuf to use large objects in standard I/O streams. More...
class  pqxx::basic_ilostream< CHAR, TRAITS >
 Input stream that gets its data from a large object. More...
class  pqxx::basic_olostream< CHAR, TRAITS >
 Output stream that writes data back to a large object. More...
class  pqxx::basic_lostream< CHAR, TRAITS >
 Stream that reads and writes a large object. More...
class  pqxx::nontransaction
 Simple "transaction" class offering no transactional integrity. More...
class  pqxx::pipeline
 Processes several queries in FIFO manner, optimized for high throughput. More...
class  pqxx::pipeline::Query
class  pqxx::result
 Query or command result set. More...
class  pqxx::result::tuple
 Reference to one row in a result. More...
class  pqxx::result::field
 Reference to a field in a result set. More...
class  pqxx::result::const_iterator
 Iterator for rows (tuples) in a query result set. More...
class  pqxx::result::const_reverse_iterator
class  pqxx::result::const_fielditerator
class  pqxx::result::const_reverse_fielditerator
class  pqxx::field_streambuf< CHAR, TRAITS >
class  pqxx::basic_fieldstream< CHAR, TRAITS >
 Input stream that gets its data from a result field. More...
class  pqxx::basic_robusttransaction
class  pqxx::robusttransaction< ISOLATIONLEVEL >
 Slightly slower, better-fortified version of transaction. More...
class  pqxx::tablereader
 Efficiently pull data directly out of a table. More...
class  pqxx::tablestream
 Base class for streaming data to/from database tables. More...
class  pqxx::tablewriter
 Efficiently write data directly to a database table. More...
class  pqxx::basic_transaction
class  pqxx::transaction< ISOLATIONLEVEL >
 Standard back-end transaction, templatized on isolation level. More...
class  pqxx::transaction_base
 Interface definition (and common code) for "transaction" classes. More...
class  pqxx::transactor< TRANSACTION >
 Wrapper for transactions that automatically restarts them on failure. More...
class  pqxx::trigger
 "Observer" base class for trigger notifications. More...
class  pqxx::items< T, CONT >
 Container of items with easy contents initialization and string rendering. More...


typedef cachedresult CachedResult
typedef connection Connection
typedef lazyconnection LazyConnection
typedef connection_base ConnectionItf
typedef largeobject LargeObject
typedef largeobjectaccess LargeObjectAccess
typedef basic_ilostream< char > ilostream
typedef basic_olostream< char > olostream
typedef basic_lostream< char > lostream
typedef nontransaction NonTransaction
typedef binarystring BinaryString
typedef result Result
typedef basic_fieldstream<
char > 
typedef robusttransaction<
read_committed > 
typedef tablereader TableReader
typedef tablestream TableStream
typedef tablewriter TableWriter
typedef transaction< read_committed > Transaction
typedef transaction work
 Bog-standard, default transaction type.
typedef transaction_base TransactionItf
typedef transactor< transaction<
read_committed > > 
typedef trigger Trigger
typedef PQXXPQ::Oid oid
 PostgreSQL row identifier type.


enum  isolation_level { read_committed, serializable }
 Transaction isolation levels; PostgreSQL doesn't implement all SQL levels. More...


PGSTD::string PQXX_LIBEXPORT escape_binary (const PGSTD::string &bin)
 Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.
PGSTD::string PQXX_LIBEXPORT escape_binary (const char bin[])
 Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.
PGSTD::string PQXX_LIBEXPORT escape_binary (const char bin[], size_t len)
 Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.
PGSTD::string PQXX_LIBEXPORT escape_binary (const unsigned char bin[])
 Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.
PGSTD::string PQXX_LIBEXPORT escape_binary (const unsigned char bin[], size_t len)
 Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.
template<typename STREAM>
STREAM & operator<< (STREAM &S, const pqxx::result::field &F)
 Write a result field to any type of stream.
template<typename T>
void from_string (const result::field &F, T &Obj)
 Convert a field's string contents to another type.
PGSTD::string to_string (const result::field &Obj)
 Convert a field to a string.
result::const_iterator operator+ (result::const_iterator::difference_type o, result::const_iterator i)
result::const_reverse_iterator operator+ (result::const_reverse_iterator::difference_type n, const result::const_reverse_iterator &i)
result::const_fielditerator operator+ (result::const_fielditerator::difference_type o, result::const_fielditerator i)
template<typename T>
void error_unsupported_type_in_string_conversion (T)
 Dummy name, used by libpqxx in deliberate link errors.
template<typename T>
PGSTD::string error_ambiguous_string_conversion (T)
 Dummy name, used to generate meaningful link errors.
template<typename T>
void from_string (const char Str[], T &Obj)
 Attempt to convert postgres-generated string to given built-in type.
void from_string (const char Str[], long &)
void from_string (const char Str[], unsigned long &)
void from_string (const char Str[], int &)
void from_string (const char Str[], unsigned int &)
void from_string (const char Str[], short &)
void from_string (const char Str[], unsigned short &)
void from_string (const char Str[], float &)
void from_string (const char Str[], double &)
void from_string (const char Str[], bool &)
void from_string (const char Str[], PGSTD::string &Obj)
void from_string (const char Str[], PGSTD::stringstream &Obj)
template<typename T>
void from_string (const PGSTD::string &Str, T &Obj)
template<typename T>
void from_string (const PGSTD::stringstream &Str, T &Obj)
void from_string (const PGSTD::string &Str, PGSTD::string &Obj)
void from_string (const PGSTD::string &, const char &Obj)
void from_string (const PGSTD::string &, const signed char &Obj)
void from_string (const PGSTD::string &, const unsigned char &Obj)
template<typename T>
PGSTD::string to_string (const T &)
 Convert built-in type to a readable string that PostgreSQL will understand.
PGSTD::string to_string (const short &)
PGSTD::string to_string (const unsigned short &)
PGSTD::string to_string (const int &)
PGSTD::string to_string (const unsigned int &)
PGSTD::string to_string (const long &)
PGSTD::string to_string (const unsigned long &)
PGSTD::string to_string (const float &)
PGSTD::string to_string (const double &)
PGSTD::string to_string (const bool &)
PGSTD::string to_string (const char Obj[])
PGSTD::string to_string (const PGSTD::stringstream &Obj)
PGSTD::string to_string (const PGSTD::string &Obj)
PGSTD::string to_string (const char &)
PGSTD::string to_string (const signed char &Obj)
PGSTD::string to_string (const unsigned char &Obj)
template<typename ITER>
PGSTD::string separated_list (const PGSTD::string &sep, ITER begin, ITER end)
 Render items list as a string, using given separator between items.
template<typename CONTAINER>
PGSTD::string separated_list (const PGSTD::string &sep, const CONTAINER &c)
 Render items in a container as a string, using given separator.
template<typename T>
PGSTD::string ToString (const T &Obj)
 Convert object of built-in type to string.
PGSTD::string ToString (const PGSTD::string &Obj)
PGSTD::string ToString (const char *const &Obj)
PGSTD::string ToString (char *const &Obj)
PGSTD::string ToString (const unsigned char *const &Obj)
PGSTD::string ToString (const bool &Obj)
PGSTD::string ToString (const short &Obj)
PGSTD::string ToString (const unsigned short &Obj)
template<typename T>
void FromString (const char Str[], T &Obj)
 Convert string to object of built-in type.
void FromString (const char Str[], PGSTD::string &Obj)
void FromString (const char Str[], const char *&Obj)
void FromString (const char Str[], const unsigned char *&Obj)
void FromString (const char Str[], bool &Obj)
PGSTD::string sqlesc (const char str[])
 Escape nul-terminated string for inclusion in SQL strings.
PGSTD::string sqlesc (const char str[], size_t maxlen)
 Escape string for inclusion in SQL strings.
PGSTD::string sqlesc (const PGSTD::string &)
 Escape string for inclusion in SQL strings.
template<typename T>
PGSTD::string Quote (const T &Obj, bool EmptyIsNull)
 Quote string for use in SQL.
PGSTD::string Quote (const PGSTD::string &Obj, bool EmptyIsNull)
 std::string version, on which the other versions are built
PGSTD::string Quote (const char *const &Obj, bool EmptyIsNull)
 Special case for const char *, accepting null pointer as null value.
template<int LEN>
PGSTD::string Quote (const char(&Obj)[LEN], bool EmptyIsNull)
 Specialization for string constants.
template<typename T>
PGSTD::string Quote (T Obj)
 Quote string for use in SQL.


const oid oid_none = 0
 The "null" oid.

Detailed Description

The home of all libpqxx classes, functions, templates, etc.

Typedef Documentation

typedef binarystring pqxx::BinaryString

For compatibility with old BinaryString class

typedef cachedresult pqxx::CachedResult

For compatibility with the old CachedResult class

typedef connection pqxx::Connection

For compatibility with old Connection class

typedef connection_base pqxx::ConnectionItf

What is now connection_base used to be called ConnectionItf. This was changed to convey its role in a way more consistent with the C++ standard library.

typedef basic_fieldstream<char> pqxx::fieldstream

typedef basic_ilostream<char> pqxx::ilostream

typedef largeobject pqxx::LargeObject

For compatibility with old LargeObject class

typedef largeobjectaccess pqxx::LargeObjectAccess

For compatibility with old LargeObjectAccess class

typedef lazyconnection pqxx::LazyConnection

For compatibility with old LazyConnection class

typedef basic_lostream<char> pqxx::lostream

typedef nontransaction pqxx::NonTransaction

For compatibility with the old NonTransaction class

typedef PQXXPQ::Oid pqxx::oid

PostgreSQL row identifier type.

typedef basic_olostream<char> pqxx::olostream

typedef result pqxx::Result

For compatibility with old Result class

typedef robusttransaction<read_committed> pqxx::RobustTransaction

For compatibility with old RobustTransaction class

typedef tablereader pqxx::TableReader

For compatibility with the old TableReader class

typedef tablestream pqxx::TableStream

For compatibility with the old TableStream class

typedef tablewriter pqxx::TableWriter

For compatibility with the old TableWriter class

typedef transaction<read_committed> pqxx::Transaction

Compatibility with the old Transaction class

typedef transaction_base pqxx::TransactionItf

What is now transaction_base used to be called TransactionItf. This was changed to convey its role in a way more consistent with the C++ standard library.

typedef transactor<transaction<read_committed> > pqxx::Transactor

For compatibility with the old Transactor class

typedef trigger pqxx::Trigger

For compatibility with the old Trigger class

typedef transaction pqxx::work

Bog-standard, default transaction type.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum isolation_level

Transaction isolation levels; PostgreSQL doesn't implement all SQL levels.

The only levels implemented in postgres are read_committed and serializable; SQL also defines read_uncommitted and repeatable_read. Unless you're bent on using nasty tricks to communicate between ongoing transactions and such, you won't really need isolation levels for anything except performance optimization. In that case, you can safely emulate read_uncommitted by using read_committed and repeatable_read by using serializable. In general, serializable is the safest choice.

Enumeration values:

Function Documentation

template<typename T>
PGSTD::string error_ambiguous_string_conversion  ) 

Dummy name, used to generate meaningful link errors.

If you get a link error naming this function, this means that your program includes a string conversion involving a signed or unsigned char type. The problem with such conversions is that they are ambiguous: do you want to treat the char type as a small numeric type, or as a character type like plain char?

template<typename T>
void error_unsupported_type_in_string_conversion  ) 

Dummy name, used by libpqxx in deliberate link errors.

If you get an error involving this function while building your program, this means that the program contains an unsupported string conversion.

In other words, the program tries to convert an object to a string, or a string to an object, of a type for which libpqxx does not implement this conversion. A notable example is "long long," which is supported by many compilers but does not exist in Standard C++.

In the case of "long long" and similar types, if your implementation of the standard C++ library supports it, you may use a stringstream to perform the conversion. For other types, you may have to write the conversion routine yourself.

string pqxx::escape_binary const unsigned char  bin[],
size_t  len

Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.

string pqxx::escape_binary const unsigned char  bin[]  ) 

Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.

string pqxx::escape_binary const char  bin[],
size_t  len

Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.

string pqxx::escape_binary const char  bin[]  ) 

Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.

string pqxx::escape_binary const PGSTD::string &  bin  ) 

Escape binary string for inclusion in SQL.

void from_string const PGSTD::string &  ,
const unsigned char &  Obj

void from_string const PGSTD::string &  ,
const signed char &  Obj

void from_string const PGSTD::string &  ,
const char &  Obj

void from_string const PGSTD::string &  Str,
PGSTD::string &  Obj

template<typename T>
void from_string const PGSTD::stringstream &  Str,
T &  Obj

template<typename T>
void from_string const PGSTD::string &  Str,
T &  Obj

void from_string const char  Str[],
PGSTD::stringstream &  Obj

void from_string const char  Str[],
PGSTD::string &  Obj

void pqxx::from_string const char  Str[],
bool & 

void pqxx::from_string const char  Str[],
double & 

void pqxx::from_string const char  Str[],
float & 

void pqxx::from_string const char  Str[],
unsigned short & 

void pqxx::from_string const char  Str[],
short & 

void pqxx::from_string const char  Str[],
unsigned int & 

void pqxx::from_string const char  Str[],
int & 

void pqxx::from_string const char  Str[],
unsigned long & 

void pqxx::from_string const char  Str[],
long & 

template<typename T>
void from_string const char  Str[],
T &  Obj

Attempt to convert postgres-generated string to given built-in type.

If the form of the value found in the string does not match the expected type, e.g. if a decimal point is found when converting to an integer type, the conversion fails. Overflows (e.g. converting "9999999999" to a 16-bit C++ type) are also treated as errors. Only the simplest possible conversions are supported. No fancy features such as hexadecimal or octal, spurious signs, or exponent notation will work. No whitespace is stripped away. Only the kinds of strings that come out of PostgreSQL and out of to_string() can be converted.

template<typename T>
void from_string const result::field &  F,
T &  Obj

Convert a field's string contents to another type.

void FromString const char  Str[],
bool &  Obj

void FromString const char  Str[],
const unsigned char *&  Obj

void FromString const char  Str[],
const char *&  Obj

void FromString const char  Str[],
PGSTD::string &  Obj

template<typename T>
void FromString const char  Str[],
T &  Obj

Convert string to object of built-in type.

Use the stricter, safer from_string instead.
The conversion is done using the currently active locale, whereas PostgreSQL delivers values in the "default" (C) locale. This means that if you intend to use this function from a locale that doesn't understand the data types in question (particularly numeric types like float and int) in default C format, you'll need to switch back to the C locale before the call. This problem does not exist with the newer from_string function template.

result::const_fielditerator operator+ result::const_fielditerator::difference_type  o,
result::const_fielditerator  i

result::const_reverse_iterator operator+ result::const_reverse_iterator::difference_type  n,
const result::const_reverse_iterator &  i

result::const_iterator operator+ result::const_iterator::difference_type  o,
result::const_iterator  i

template<typename STREAM>
STREAM& operator<< STREAM &  S,
const pqxx::result::field F

Write a result field to any type of stream.

This can be convenient when writing a field to an output stream. More importantly, it lets you write a field to e.g. a stringstream which you can then use to read, format and convert the field in ways that to() does not support.

Example: parse a field into a variable of the nonstandard "long long" type.

 extern result R;
 long long L;
 stringstream S;

 // Write field's string into S
 S << R[0][0];

 // Parse contents of S into L
 S >> L;

template<typename T>
PGSTD::string Quote Obj  ) 

Quote string for use in SQL.

This version of the function never generates null values.

Use sqlesc instead.

template<int LEN>
PGSTD::string Quote const char &  Obj[LEN],
bool  EmptyIsNull

Specialization for string constants.

This specialization is a little complicated, because string constants are of the type char[], not of type const char * as one might expect. Note that the size of the array is part of the type, for which reason we need it in our template here.

PGSTD::string Quote const char *const &  Obj,
bool  EmptyIsNull

Special case for const char *, accepting null pointer as null value.

Use sqlesc instead.

PGSTD::string Quote const PGSTD::string &  Obj,
bool  EmptyIsNull

std::string version, on which the other versions are built

Use sqlesc instead.

template<typename T>
PGSTD::string pqxx::Quote const T &  Obj,
bool  EmptyIsNull

Quote string for use in SQL.

Generate SQL-quoted version of string. If EmptyIsNull is set, an empty string will generate the null value rather than an empty string.

Use sqlesc instead.

template<typename CONTAINER>
PGSTD::string separated_list const PGSTD::string &  sep,
const CONTAINER &  c

Render items in a container as a string, using given separator.

template<typename ITER>
PGSTD::string separated_list const PGSTD::string &  sep,
ITER  begin,
ITER  end

Render items list as a string, using given separator between items.

string pqxx::sqlesc const PGSTD::string &   ) 

Escape string for inclusion in SQL strings.

This function differs from similar ones based on libpq in that it handles embedded nul bytes correctly.

Unlike its predecessor Quote(), this function does not add SQL-style single quotes around the result string; nor does it recognize and generate nulls.

string pqxx::sqlesc const char  str[],
size_t  maxlen

Escape string for inclusion in SQL strings.

Reads and escapes input string. The string is terminated by either a nul character or the given byte length, whichever comes first.

str optionally zero-terminated character string
maxlen largest possible length of input string, not including optional terminating nul character.
Unlike its predecessor Quote(), this function does not add SQL-style single quotes around the result string; nor does it recognize and generate nulls.

string pqxx::sqlesc const char  str[]  ) 

Escape nul-terminated string for inclusion in SQL strings.

Use this to sanitize strings that may contain characters like backslashes or quotes. You'll want to do this for all data received from outside your application that gets used in SQL--otherwise an attacker might crack your code by feeding it some string containing e.g. a closing quote followed by SQL commands you did not intend to execute.

Unlike its predecessor Quote(), this function does not add SQL-style single quotes around the result string; nor does it recognize and generate nulls.

PGSTD::string to_string const unsigned char &  Obj  ) 

PGSTD::string to_string const signed char &  Obj  ) 

string pqxx::to_string const char &   ) 

PGSTD::string to_string const PGSTD::string &  Obj  ) 

PGSTD::string to_string const PGSTD::stringstream &  Obj  ) 

PGSTD::string to_string const char  Obj[]  ) 

string pqxx::to_string const bool &   ) 

string pqxx::to_string const double &   ) 

string pqxx::to_string const float &   ) 

string pqxx::to_string const unsigned long &   ) 

string pqxx::to_string const long &   ) 

string pqxx::to_string const unsigned int &   ) 

string pqxx::to_string const int &   ) 

string pqxx::to_string const unsigned short &   ) 

string pqxx::to_string const short &   ) 

template<typename T>
PGSTD::string to_string const T &   ) 

Convert built-in type to a readable string that PostgreSQL will understand.

No special formatting is done, and any locale settings are ignored. The resulting string will be human-readable and in a format suitable for use in SQL queries.

PGSTD::string to_string const result::field &  Obj  ) 

Convert a field to a string.

PGSTD::string ToString const unsigned short &  Obj  ) 

PGSTD::string ToString const short &  Obj  ) 

PGSTD::string ToString const bool &  Obj  ) 

PGSTD::string ToString const unsigned char *const &  Obj  ) 

PGSTD::string ToString char *const &  Obj  ) 

PGSTD::string ToString const char *const &  Obj  ) 

PGSTD::string ToString const PGSTD::string &  Obj  ) 

template<typename T>
PGSTD::string ToString const T &  Obj  ) 

Convert object of built-in type to string.

Use the newer, rewritten to_string instead.
The conversion is done using the currently active locale, whereas PostgreSQL expects values in the "default" (C) locale. This means that if you intend to use this function from a locale that renders the data types in question (particularly numeric types like float and int) differently from the C default, you'll need to switch back to the C locale before the call. This problem does not exist with the newer to_string function template.

Variable Documentation

const oid pqxx::oid_none = 0

The "null" oid.

Generated on Mon Nov 15 11:28:02 2004 for libpqxx by  doxygen