AboveTheClouds] Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of
Cloud Computing, M. Armbrust, A. Fox, R. Griffith, A.D. Joseph,
R.H. Katz, A. Konwinski, G. Lee, D.A. Patterson, A. Rabkin,
I. Stoica, M. Zaharia, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2009-28, Feb 10, 2009.
DCAsAComputer] The Datacenter as a Computer: An
Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines
, L.A. Barroso, U. Holzle, Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture, 2009.
data-centric: DryadLinq] DryadLINQ: A System for
General-Purpose Distributed Data-Parallel Computing Using a
High-Level Language, Y. Yu, M. Isard, D. Fetterly, M. Budiu,
U. Erlingsson, P.K. Gunda, J. Currey, OSDI 2008.
[optional Pipelined:
FlumeJava] FlumeJava: Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel
Pipelines, Craig Chambers, Ashish Raniwala, Frances Perry, Stephen
Adams, Robert R. Henry, Robert Bradshaw, Nathan Weizenbaum, PLDI 2010.
Dremel] Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale
Datasets, S. Melnik, A. Gubarev, J.J. Long, G. Romer,
S. Shivakumar, M. Tolton, T. Vassilakis, VLDB 2010.
[In memory:
Spark] Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant
Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing., Matei Zaharia,
Mosharaf Chowdhury, Tathagata Das, Ankur Dave, Justin Ma, Murphy
McCauley, Michael J. Franklin, Scott Shenker, Ion Stoica. NSDI
2012. April 2012.
Enterprise usecases and Workload Characterization
usecase: CloudNaaS] CloudNaaS: A Cloud Networking
Platform for Enterprise Applications, T. Benson, A. Akella,
A. Shaikh, S. Sahu, SOCC 2011.
[optional Enterprise usecase:
CloudwardBound] Cloudward Bound: Planning for Beneficial
Migration of Enterprise Applications to the Cloud, Mohammad
Hajjat, Xin Sun, Yu-Wei Eric Sung, David A. Maltz, Sanjay Rao,
Kunwadee Sripanidkulchai, and Mohit Tawarmalani, Sigcomm 2010.
[optional Enterprise
usecase: Stratos] Stratos: Virtual Middleboxes as First
Class Entities, A. Gember, R. Grandl, A. Anand, T. Benson, and
A. Akella, UW-Madison Tech Report, 2012.
[Workload - Network
view: DCMeas] Network Traffic Characteristics of Data
Centers in the Wild, T. Benson, A. Akella and D. Maltz, IMC
[optional Workload - Network
view: InterDCMeas] A First Look at Inter-Data Center Traffic Characteristics via Yahoo! Datasets, Y. Chen at al, Infocom 2011.
[Workload - App
view: GoogleMeas] Towards Characterizing Cloud Backend
Workloads: Insights from Google Compute Clusters, A. Mishra,
J. Hellerstein, W. Cirne, C. Das, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance
Evaluation Review, 2010.
Data Center Networks and Protocols
[New Fabrics:
Portland] PortLand: A Scalable Fault-Tolerant Layer 2
Data Center Network Fabric, R.N. Mysore, A. Pamboris,
N. Farrington, N. Huang, P. Miri, S. Radhakrishnan, V. Subramanya,
A. Vahdat, ACM SIGCOMM 2009.
c-Through] c-Through: Part-time Optics in Data
Centers, G. Wang, D.G. Andersen, M. Kaminsky, K. Papagiannaki,
T.S.E. Ng, M. Kozuch, M. Ryan, ACM SIGCOMM 2010.
[Resource Sharing:
DRFQ] Multi-Resource Fair Queueing for Packet Processing,
A. Ghodsi, V. Sekar, M. Zaharia, I. Stoica, SIGCOMM 2012.
[optional Network Services:
CoMb] Design and Implementation of a Consolidated
Middlebox Architecture, V. Sekar, N. Egi, S. Ratnasamy,
M.K. Reiter, G. Shi, NSDI 2012.
[Network Sharing:
FairCloud] FairCloud: Sharing the Network in Cloud
Computing, L. Popa et al., SIGCOMM 2012.
Latency: HULL] Less is More: Trading a little Bandwidth for
Ultra-Low Latency in the Data Center, Mohammad Alizadeh, Abdul
Kabbani, Tom Edsall, Balaji Prabhakar, Amin Vahdat, and Masato
Yasuda, NSDI 2012.
[optional Transport:
ICTCP] ICTCP: Incast Congestion Control for TCP in Data
Center Networks, H. Wu, Z. Feng, C. Guo, Y. Zhang, ACM CoNEXT
Software Defined Networking
OpenFlow] N. McKeown, T. Anderson, H. Balakrishnan,
G. Parulkar, L. Peterson, J.Rexford, S. Shenker, J. Turner,
OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks
ACM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 38, Issue 2, pp. 69-74, 2008.
[Network Migration:
LIME] Live Migration of an Entire Network (and its
Hosts), E. Keller, S. Ghorbani, M. Caesar, and J. Rexford,
HotNets, 2012.
[Network Services:
SDMBN] Toward Software-Defined Middlebox Networking, A.
Gember, P. Prabhu, Z. Ghadiyali, and A. Akella, HotNets, 2012.
Frenetic] Frenetic: A Network Programming Language,
Nate Foster, Rob Harrison, Michael J. Freedman, Christopher
Monsanto, Jennifer Rexford, Alec Story, and David Walker, ICFP 2011.
[optional Languages:
Nettle] Nettle: Functional Reactive Programming
of OpenFlow Networks, Andreas Voellmy and Paul Hudak, PADL 2011.
[SDN Abstractions:
HierPolicy] Hierarchical Policies for Software Defined
Networks, Andrew D. Ferguson, Arjun Guha, Chen Liang, Rodrigo
Fonseca, and Shriram Krishnamurthi, HotSDN 2012.
[SDN Abstractions:
Slices] Splendid Isolation: A Slice Abstraction for
Software-Defined Networks, Stephen Gutz, Alec Story, Cole
Schlesinger, Nate Foster, HotSDN 2012.
[Static Checking:
HSA] Header Space Analysis: Static Checking For Networks,
Peyman Kazemian, George Varghese and Nick McKeown, NSDI
[optional Debugging: ndb] Where
is the Debugger for my Software-Defined Network?, Nikhil
Handigol, Brandon Heller, Vimalkumar Jeyakumar, David Mazieres, and
Nick McKeown, HotSDN 2012.
Cassandra] Cassandra - A Decentralized Structured Storage
System, A. Lakshman, P. Malik, SIGOPS 2010.
[optional Overview/Transactional:
Megastore] Megastore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available
Storage for Interactive Services, J. Baker, C. Bond,
J.C. Corbett, J. Furman, A. Khorlin, J. Larson, J. Leon, Y. Li,
A. Lloyd, V. Yushprakh, CIDR 2011.
[optional: Benchmarks:
YCSB] Benchmarking Cloud Serving Systems with YCSB,
Brian F. Cooper, Adam Silberstein, Erwin Tam, Raghu Ramakrishnan,
Russell Sears, SOCC 2010.
[Data Center Storage:
FDS] Flat Datacenter Storage, Edmund B. Nightingale,
Jeremy Elson, Jinliang Fan, Owen Hofmann, Jon Howell, and Yutaka
Suzue, OSDI 2012.
PISCES] Performance Isolation and Fairness for Multi-Tenant
Cloud Storage, David Shue, Michael J. Freedman, and Anees
Shaikh, OSDI 2012.
[Flash: SILT]
SILT: A Memory-Efficient, High-Performance Key-Value Store,
H. Lim, B. Fan, D.G. Andersen, M. Kaminsky, SOSP 2011.
[optional Memory-Only:
RAMClouds] The Case for RAMClouds: Scalable
High-Performance Storage Entirely in DRAM, J. Ousterhout,
P. Agrawal, D. Erickson, C. Kozyrakis, J. Leverich, D. Mazieres,
S. Mitra, A. Narayanan, G. Parulkar, M. Rosenblum, S.M. Rumble,
E. Stratmann, R. Stutsman, SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Vol.43,
No.4, Dec 2009.
[Storage sec: Depot]
Depot: Cloud storage with minimal trust, P. Mahajan, S. Setty,
S. Lee, A. Clement, L. Alvisi, M. Dahlin, M. Walfish, OSDI 2010.