Computer Sciences Dept.

Alexey Loginov

Formerly, a graduate student
(Advisor: Thomas W. Reps)
Picture of Alexey Loginov

Research Interests:

Program analysis and verification. In particular, analysis of infinite-state systems, shape analysis, and the use of machine learning in program analysis.

(A Somewhat Outdated) Biographical Sketch:

I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia (formerly, Leningrad, USSR), and came to the United States in 1990. In 1991 I entered the University of Texas at Austin. I majored in Computer Sciences and Mathematics. In 1994 I started working at the San Diego Site of the Hewlett-Packard Company. I worked on software and firmware in color printers and multi-function peripherals. In the Fall of 1997 I started graduate studies in the Computer Science department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. I spent the academic year of 2000-2001 at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in Hawthorne, NY. While at IBM, I worked on datarace detection for multithreaded Java applications with Jong-Deok Choi and Vivek Sarkar in the Jalapeno optimizing compiler research group.

Recent Items of Note*new*

On August 17th, 2006, I defended my thesis, entitled "Refinement-based program verification via three-valued-logic analysis".

In mid-October, I started working as Postdoctoral Researcher at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in Hawthorne, NY.

Personal Notes

You will find research papers, entertaining links, tasteful jokes and interesting opinions on the homepages of my parents, Vladimir Lifschitz and Elena Lifschitz. They teach at the University of Texas at Austin.

My interests outside of school include ice hockey, film photography (B&W and slide), and Celtic music.

  • Here you will find links related to my work and hobbies together with some links of general interest.

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