Research Interests:
Program analysis and verification. In particular, analysis
of infinite-state systems, shape analysis, and
the use of machine learning in program analysis.
List of Publications
Conference Publications
Loginov, A., Reps, T., and Sagiv, M.,
Refinement-based verification for possibly-cyclic lists.
To appear in Program Analysis and Compilation, Theory and Practice:
Essays Dedicated to Reinhard Wilhelm, Springer-Verlag.
Loginov, A., Reps, T., and Sagiv, M.,
Automated verification of the Deutsch-Schorr-Waite
tree-traversal algorithm.
In Static Analysis Symposium, 2006.
(c) Springer-Verlag]
Dor, N., Field, J., Gopan, D., Lev-Ami, T., Loginov, A., Manevich,
R., Ramalingam, G., Reps, T., Rinetzky, N., Sagiv, M., Wilhelm,
R., Yahav, E., and Yorsh, G.,
Automatic verification of strongly dynamic software systems.
In Proc. IFIP Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, Experiments,
Zurich, Switzerland, Oct. 10-13, 2005.
Loginov, A., Reps, T, and Sagiv, M.,
Abstraction refinement via inductive learning.
In Proc. Computer-Aided Verification, 2005.
(c) Springer-Verlag]
Jeannet, B., Loginov, A., Reps, T., and Sagiv, M.,
A relational approach to interprocedural shape analysis.
In Proc. 11th Int. Static Analysis Symp.,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2004.
(c) Springer-Verlag]
Reps, T., Sagiv, M., and Loginov, A.,
Finite differencing of logical formulas for static analysis.
In Proc. European Symp. on Programming,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2618,
Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2003, pp. 380-398.
(c) Springer-Verlag]
Reps, T., Loginov, A., and Sagiv, M.,
Semantic minimization of 3-valued propositional formulae.
In Proc. IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science,
(Copenhagen, Denmark, July 22-25, 2002), pp. 40-54.
Choi, J.-D., Lee, K., Loginov, A., O'Callahan, R., Sarkar, V., and Sridharan, M.,
Efficient and Precise Datarace Detection for Multithreaded Object-Oriented Programs.
In SIGPLAN 2002: Proc. of the ACM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation,
(Berlin, Germany, June 17-19, 2002), pp. 258-269.
Loginov, A., Yong, S.H., Horwitz, S., and Reps, T.,
Debugging via run-time type checking.
In Proc. of FASE 2001: Fundamental Approaches to Softw. Eng.,
(Genoa, Italy, April 2-6, 2001).
(c) Springer-Verlag]
Other Publications and Reports
Loginov, A., Reps, T, and Sagiv, M.,
Learning abstractions for verifying data-structure properties.
TR-1519, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, Jan. 2005.
Loginov, A., Reps, T, and Sagiv, M.,
Abstraction refinement for 3-valued-logic analysis.
TR-1504, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, April 2004.
Choi, J.-D., Loginov, A., and Sarkar, V.,
Static Datarace Analysis for Multithreaded Object-Oriented Programs.
IBM Research Report 22146, 2001.