Computer Sciences Dept.

Alexey Loginov

Formerly, a graduate student
(Advisor: Thomas W. Reps)
Picture of Alexey Loginov

Research Interests:

Program analysis and verification. In particular, analysis of infinite-state systems, shape analysis, and the use of machine learning in program analysis.

Items of Note

On August 17th, 2006, I defended my thesis, entitled "Refinement-based program verification via three-valued-logic analysis".

In April of 2008, after a year and a half at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, I joined GrammaTech, a company that performs research on program analysis and transformations, and produces several commercially successful products, most notably the highly-scalable bug and vulnerability detection tool CodeSonar and the deep-analysis infrastructure CodeSurfer. GrammaTech is located in beautiful Ithaca, NY.

Contact Information E-mail: alexey at
317 North Aurora Street
Ithaca, NY 14850

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