Prototyping: Rev. 1
Vision becomes Reality
Our first revision of Breadcrumbs mirrors the basic layout presented in the sketches.
Home Screen

The home screen lets you access your Tracks and Reports. Big buttons and descriptions make the actions very clear to the user. About, Settings, and More on the bottom allow more detailed setting adjustment, including turning tracking on and off.

Upon tapping Route, a map displays the route and interest points for a given day. You can change days by using the arrows just below the top bar. Also, tap a point of interest to display more info about when you were there, etc.

Each POI screen gives you information about a place you were at. Standard info (picture, address, etc.) as well as options to call, go there (with GPS directions), and go back to the map. Arrows at the top navigate between POIs that you were at before/after the current POI.