This is a list of other projects I have worked on:
Robust Estimation in High Dimensions [ppt]
Class presentation on recent work in high dimensional robust statistics.
Faster Scale-invariant Object Detection [pdf]
- Designed a neural network architecture for scale-invariant object detection that avoids generating bounding boxes at multiple scales.
- Proposed a novel ''zoom'' layer that varies the scale smoothly across layers, allowing the network to always maintain a single region-of-interest corresponding to the current scale level.
Preposition Error Correction using Tree Convolutional Networks [pdf] [ppt]
- Designed a neural network for preposition classification that uses convolution-like operations over the dependency parse tree of the input sentence.
- Used weighted word embeddings to form phrase embeddings for each node of the tree, and used the embedding of the root for classification.
Effects of Sponsored Data on Internet Economics[ppt]
- Gave a talk on the impact of sponsored data plans on end users, content providers and internet service providers by
modeling the actor decisions as optimization problems and Stackelberg games.
Visible Light Communication[pdf] [ppt]
Undergraduate Thesis
Advisor: Prof. Kameswari Chebrolu
- Developed prototypes to encode information in video content in the form of a grid overlay and capture and decode it on smartphones, while minimizing visual obtrusion and achieving reliable data transfer for short ranges.
- Compared state-of-the-art techniques in visible light communication, particularly COBRA and HiLight, and adapted them for our use case.
- Developed and optimized algorithms for corner detection, frame synchronization and decoding.
- Evaluated prototypes by varying parameters like overlay transparency, frame buffer size and grid size, achieving an average throughput of 7 kbps.
Visualisation of Mobile Radio Networks
Guide: Prof. Thomas Kuerner
- Developed an ASP.NET web application in C# which uses the Google Earth plugin to display cell antennae, intensity maps generated on the server and other information pertaining to radio networks.
- Wrote a javascript library which creates auto-resizeable ground overlays to simulate zoom invariant directional icons for the cell antennae.
- Created a hierarchical toggler element for viewing/hiding layers of data objects fetched dynamically from the server.