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Date:	3/1/98
TTB:		?
Slept:		?
Evening resting HR:	54 BPM
Feeling:	4 really stressed about school - headache
Performing:	5 nothing special
Workout: Tempo ride on rollers
12:00 - 1:00
~45 minutes between ~150 and 176 BPM
Ave HR: 156
low resistance

Comments: I felt fine riding today, but nothing special.  I'm getting into 
a bind w/ school.  I measured my HR tonight and it got as low as 48BPM! 
I've never seen it that low before!  I've hardly eten anything all 
afternoon, though and I think that has something to do with it.

Date: 3/2/98 TTB: 1:00 AM Slept: 7.5 hours Evening Resting HR: 53 BPM Feeling: 7 pretty good and relaxed Performing: N/A Weight: Workout: nothing Comments: I felt like going and lifting tonight, but I didn't. I got my lab report done and am feeling relaxed and for some reason not hungry at all. Riding around school today I felt grate. My trackstand is really coming along! My HR
Date: 3/3/98 TTB: 1:30 AM Slept: 6 hours Evening resting HR: 52 Feeling: 7 good Performing: 4.5 decent Weight: 165 lbs Workout: Weights at the Nat with Dave & Ben 4:30-6:00 PM stretch Interval squats w/ 175 lbs and 1:30 rests sets of 25, 25, 25, 20 1 2 3 Bench press 8x155 8x150 8x150 Power clean 8x115 8x115 8x115 Situps 20 20 20 Back ext. 20x15lb 20x15lb 20x15lb stretch Comments: I think I should have taken my body up on the offer to lift yesterday. I wasn't exactly dynamite today, but I did go up in weight on the bench (sort of) and the power clean. The pattern I've noticed with squats is that the first week of a new phase I'll have a hard time and the second week I feel great. This time I felt fine in the first week, and this week I don't feel like anything special. I've been using that goofy pulley machine all the time, though. I did the power cleans differently, so that affected how I felt about them. I used the bar & plates, and tried to go all the way down a couple times (didn't work) and locked my knees when I came up. I felt good riding around school today. I went up the twisty part of observatory right after lifting w/o much trouble (on my big bad flat rear tire cyclocross bike).
Date: 3/4/98 TTB: 1:30 AM Slept: 6 hours Post-workout resting HR: 66 BPM Feeling: 7.5 good, relaxed but alert Performing: 6 it hurts, but it hurts good Weight: Workout: Sprint workout 6:15 - 7:00 PM stretch 10 min warmup 2 sets of 5 efforts (~15 sec) on 3 minutes 9 minutes between sets 15 min cooldown stretch My HR would get up to ~200 for the efforts and drop down to ~zone 3 between. I kept a medium resistance on between efforts. ave HR: 156 BPM Comments: Today was an easy day at school. We got out of lab at ~3:00 and I came home and ate dinner early and did the workout an hour earlier than I normally would have and had time to sit around and relax. I liked that a lot better. I was struggling to climb Charter St. today, but by the time I did the workout I was doing better. I held out almost all of the efforts for the full 15 seconds.
Date: 3/5/98 TTB: 11:00 Slept: 9 hours Morning HR: Feeling: Performing: Weight: 165 lbs Workout: Weights at the SERF 2:30-3:30 PM stretch Interval squats w/ 175 lbs and 1:30 rests sets of 25, 25, 25, 25 1 2 3 push press 8x105 8x105 8x105 dips 10 10 10 situps 20 20 20 back ext. 20x25lbs 20x25lbs 20x25lbs stretch Comments: I upped my weight on the push presses and they were a little tough, but felt good otherwise. I finally got to do my squats with the free weights. I still have this feeling that I'm not going down far enough on those, but i suppose with interval squats you're not supposed to get your thigh parallel with the floor.
Date: 3/6/98 TTB: 1:30AM Slept: 6 hours Evening HR: 75 BPM Feeling: 6 stiff, nervous Performing: Weight: Workout: none (driving to Indiana) Comments: That's the longest I've ever driven! Those car seats kill my back when I have to sit up straight the whole time. I put a pillow under my back after awhile, but it must not have helped too much. When we got to the hotel I was extremely stiff, especially in my back. I spent a while trying to stretch out. I laid down for awhile to try and get a resting HR, but the lowest it ever went was 70, and it was mostly ~75. I don't know if that was nervousness or tiredness or what.
Date: 3/7/98 TTB: ~12:00 (eastern time) Slept: 6 hours Morning HR: 70 BPM Evening HR: 65 BPM Feeling: 6 alright Performing: 6 alright Weight: Workout: Race! Late morning road race in Indiana. 30 mile race (3 10 mile laps). Hilly - hardly any flat areas. avs ~18-19mph Ave HR: 184 bpm my back hurt like it hasn't in a long time (muscles i mean). took a nap in the afternoon Comments: This was a frustrating race. It was impossible to move around in the pack and the loons from indiana who were in blocking the whole road would brake any chance they got, even on a climb. I wasn't climbing as well as I'm used to. I couldn't stay in the saddle on the climbs and found myself doing a lot of wrestling my bike up hills that I should have been seated for. When the pace finally got pushed I hung on but finished poorly. The finish was a long climb and I pretty much gave up and finished last in the group I was in (21stoverall, still not bad). I don't know if it was the cold weather or what, but I was having trouble breathing when we got going. I don't know what was going on with my back - it hurt like crazy after 1 lap. It made me just want to stop and give up. This was the perfect opportunity to find out what I've lost since last season: -The most noticeable was climbing. I'm not really any heavier than last summer, but was having a relatively tough time climbling. I think this has to do mostly with getting a feel for hills again and finding a rythm, which was impossible in this race. -I was totally unmotivated for the race. i just didn't care too much how I did. Already, after having done these races the desire to win is coming back, as well as my motivation to train. This is a really good thing about doing these races, they give me something to think about while I train. -finishing. I finished as poorly as I possibly could have. this is partly due to my lack of motivation and not really knowing how close we were to the finish and not conserving energy well during the race. You have to really want it to push yourself up that last climb.
Date: 3/8/98 TTB: 11:00 ? (eastern time) Slept: 8 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 7 good Performing: 7 good Weight: Workout: Race! Late morning crit in indiana ~10 mile warmup ~20 miles race. sprint every 5 laps avs: 23 mph (includes walking bike after crashing and ridong around after the race) Ave HR: 188 BPM (includes lying by the side of the road) Sprinted for 2 of the sprints. Tried (unsucessfully) to get off the front a couple times. Crashed twice - didn't finish. Comments: I felt a good deal faster and more motivated today. I took off right from the start to try and srting out the pack a little and mess up any plans the Indianans might have for clogging up the road. One of the sprints I contested I nearly got in the top 5, but didn't, of course. The first crach didn't hurt too bad - I landed on a pile of bikes and people, just a cut and bruised shin. The second crash messed me up. A guy's tire blew out in a corner and he slid out in front of me. Nothing to catch me then but pavement. It was wet, though, so no serious road rash, but mega bruises. That was with less than 1.5 laps to go, so no free lap. I performed better in this race than the road race, I felt. My sprinting has never been very good, so I was happy with myself just to have contested. I couldn't keep up a pull for very long, but we were going pretty fast, so it was legitimately difficult.
Date: 3/9/98 TTB: 12:00 Slept: 8 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 2.5 bad Performing: Weight: 165 Workout: nothing Comments: I am feeling really lousy today. I am banged up from yesterday, plus I came down with something Sunday night and am all sick-achy today, especially my head and throat. I slept a lot.
Date: 3/10/98 TTB: 11:00 Slept: 10 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 4 better than yesterday Performing: Weight: 165 Workout: nothing - I have big time repairs I'm working on on my bike Comments: I am definitely healthier than yesterday, but not completely better. My injuries feel pretty much the same, but I'm not taking ibuprofen today either. I would have done an easy roller ride today, but I need to tune up my bike in a major way.
Date: 3/11/98 TTB: 1:30AM Slept: 6 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 6 Performing: 5 Weight: 165 Workout: Zone 3 ride Late evening Rode for 1 hour w/ HR between 150 and 180. relatively low resistance, high cadence Comments: Since I'm hurt and was sick, I did an easy workout. My major hurt, my left hip, hardly bothers me at all when I ride. I wasn't feeling sick anymore, and felt fine during the ride. I was working on my chemistry stuff until relatively late, so I got home late and didn't get started riding 'till late. My bike looks OK too, except maybe the back wheel. It's super-clean.
Date: 3/12/98 TTB: 12:00 Slept: 7 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 6 Performing: 7 Weight: 165 Workout: LT Late evening stretch 10 min warmup 30 min zone 4 10 min cool down ave HR: 174 BPM medium-low resistance, ~24-25mph Comments: My HR went up to ~190 fairly quickly and I kept it around there. I did the last ~3 minutes at ~30mph in zone 5. My HR only got up to ~200 then, but I was hurting (good hurt). I was going pretty hard the whole time, harder than I have been going for those long LT intervals, and felt real good about it. I only did the one interval because I didn't have much time, it was getting late. I still can't walk right, but my hip doesn't bother be much when I ride, even when I went hard, nor did my back (my back often gets stiff during these long LT intervals.) I put air in the tires of my commuter bike, and it was much easier going up bascom hill. I didn't even stand up today (I have been having to stand up all the time lately). What a difference 30-40 psi makes!
Date: 3/13/98 TTB: 12:30 Slept: 7.5 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 6.5 Performing: 5 Weight: 165 Workout: zone 2 ride I rode for ~35 minutes, keeping my HR between 130 and 160. ave HR: 144 BPM low resistance, low gear, high cadence Comments: It was late again, so I didn't ride for very long. I felt fine, but the ride wasn't very interresting, since it was just spinning. I didn't eat dinner and intended it to be a fat-burning ride. It makes me a little light-headed. I'm walking almost normal.
Date: 3/14/98 TTB: 1:30 Slept: 6.5 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 6 Performing: 7 Weight: 165 Workout: Hill repeats on rollers stretch 10 min warmup 2 sets of 3 efforts on 4 minutes 5 minutes between sets, 30-35 second efforts efforts were highest resistance, highest or second-highest gear, seated - hands on the tops of the bars (my normal climbing position), 30+mph (I wish I could climb that fast) lowish-cadence grind. 10 min cooldown. stretch ave HR: 150 BPM Comments: I liked this workout. The efforts would hurt after ~25 seconds and my HR would get up to 188-195 by the end. I never actually got above 200 this time, but probably would have if I hadn't been so relaxed. I tried to work on my climbing form, keep my arms bent and relaxed and pedal efficiently. I didn't eat much this afternoon or tonight, so that may have kept my HR low too.
Date: 3/15/98 TTB: 2:00AM Slept: 6.5 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 6 fine Performing: 7.5 good Weight: 165 Workout: Outside ride with Dave and Ross 1:00-3:00 PM Ride to Paoli & back the short way Started out trying to do some zone 4 riding, but it was too cold for that, so it was mostly a zone 3 ride. Riding back was into a cold wind - brrr. Comments: I was feeling pretty juiced today, but it's always easy to feel that way when you're not pushing yourself very hard. I deliberately stayed in the saddle on all the uphills except one (that one everyone likes to sprint up) and felt that my form was improving from last weekend. My knees were achy afterwards, but you can expect that from seated climbing in such cold weather. It was probably the coldest ride I've done this year.
Date: 3/16/98 TTB: 2:00AM Slept: 5 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 6 good Performing: 6 good Weight: 170 Workout: easy roller ride 30 minutes spinning on the rollers. I wasn't wearing my HRM, but I was certainly in zone 2 or possibly below. I also rode around downtown area for ~1.5 hours this morning, which was nice. Comments: I didn't have too much time today, but it's a day off anyway, so that's fine. I probably should have done a real workout today since I didn't race this weekend and won't have any time tomorrow.
Date: 3/17/98 TTB: 1:30AM Slept: 7 hours Evening resting HR: 51 BPM Feeling: 6 good Performing: Weight: 165 Workout: nothing Comments: Once I get it together I'll be riding early in the morning on tuesdays, or rearranging the schedule so I get tuesdays off, but I'm not there yet. I wish I had been able to do a workout because I felt good riding around school. I did some sprint-type efforts on some of my commutes. Skool sux!
Date: 3/18/98 TTB: 1:00AM Slept: 6 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 6.5 Performing: 7 Weight: 166 Workout: Sprint workout 4:00 - 5:00 PM on rollers with my fork stabilizer stretch 10 minute warmup 2 sets of 5 efforts on 3 minutes ~10 minutes between sets, ~13-15 sec/effort, out of the saddle sprint 10 minute cooldown stretch Comments: My HR was very low today, I worked hard, but never got it above 200. In the first set I had the fork stabilizer set up wrong and my tire wasn't making very good contact with the resistance roller - I fixed it for the second set. I was sprinting relatively well today. I was spinning my legs fast and usually held out the efforts for the full 15 seconds. My HR would get up to 185-195 right after the effort and then drop to 120's-140's between efforts. It wasn't dropping so much towards the end, though.
Date: 3/19/98 TTB: 1:30AM Slept: 6.5 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 5.5 good, but tired Performing: 6.5 Weight: 165 Workout: Hill Repeats on rollers stretch 10 min warmup 2 sets of 3 efforts on 4 minutes 5 minutes between sets, 30-35 second efforts efforts were highest resistance, highest or second-highest gear, seated - hands on the tops of the bars (my normal climbing position), 30+mph lowish-cadence grind. 10 min cooldown. stretch ave HR: 164 BPM Comments: If sweat and HR are good things, then today was great. I had no trouble geting my HR up today, it didn't get below 140 any time I was on the bike. It would get up to the upper 190's during the efforts and above 200 right after I let up. It would get down to 140-150s between efforts. The workout felt hard today. I don't think I could have held the intensity of an effort much longer than the 30-40 sec that I was doing, my legs would just not go (so I suppose I'm doing it right). I was pushing a lot of resistance, though, and was doing the efforts at ~33mph, which is a little faster than I was doing them last time. I didn't feel as smooth as last time, but it's been longer since I've been on the road, so I suppose one forgets.
Date: 3/20/98 TTB: 1:30AM Slept: 6.5 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 6 good Performing: 7.5 well Weight: 166 Workout: Circuit training at the SERF 8:00 - 9:00 PM 5 min exercycle warmup stretch 1 2 3 overhead press 50x12 50x12 squat 196x12 196x12 bench press 108x12 108x12 situps 20 20 20 lat pull 100x12 100x12 leg ext 130x12 130x12 seated row 80x12 80x12 leg curl 49x12 49x12 arm curl 40x12 40x12 5 min exercycle stretch Comments: I didn't lift too hard. Lifting felt good after not having done it for so long, just what I needed. All the exercises and the exercycle felt pretty easy, but I wasn't doing anything too hard.
Date: 3/21/98 TTB: 1:00AM Slept: 7 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 6 normal Performing: 7.5 good Weight: 160 (not enough to drink?) Workout: GDVC practice crit 11:00 AM 35 minutes + 5 laps ~~ 50 minutes I set my HR zone to 30-220 BPM 0:20 above zone 47:20 in zone ave HR: 191 BPM (a new record!) distance: ~18 miles avs: ~21 mph Towards the end and after the race I got some major muscle cramping Comments: This was my first cat 3 race. I got dropped midway through mostly due to some bad luck and stupid maneuvering on my part. I stayed in the race, though, and rode the rest of the way with a group of 3 other guys. I worked very hard, doing several of the laps by myself and doing (I thought) the majority of the pulling of the group - they were just going too slow. I wonder if I was a little dehydrated because of how little I weighed this morning and, since were racing in the cold, I probably didn't dring much during the race. That could have had something to do with the cramping. Anyhow, I felt good about my performance anyway. Click on the link above to read more about it. I took a ~2 hour nap in the afternoon.
Date: 3/22/98 TTB: 2:30AM Slept: 5.5 hours Morning HR: 60 BPM Feeling: 5.5 good, a little stiff Performing: 6.5 well Weight: 166 Workout: Group ride to Beleville 1:00-3:00 PM ~40 miles Rode to Belleville with a big group of hammerheads. Northwest wind made it fast going down, slower coming back. At Beleville a lot of people kept going to New Glarus, I rode back to Madison with a bunch of old guys. I ended up working a lot harder than I was planning to. Comments: On the way down Mickey's chain fell off and I waited for him with Collin. We tried to catch back up to the group, but Mickey kept dropping off. Eventually we just caught up without him because we were getting worn out. The ride back was into the wind. We did a medium-hard paceline to Paoli and maintained ~20mph. Then cruised back home. I didn't wear my HRM because I wasn't expecting so many people and thought it would be an easy ride. I ended up doing a lot of time in zones 4-5. I rode pretty strongly, though, and felt good. I got some outside miles in too. I tried to stay relaxed and seated on hills.
Date: 3/23/98 TTB: 1:30AM Slept: 6 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 4 Performing: Weight: 166 Workout: Nothing Comments: I didn't feel very good physically today, so the rest day was very welcome. I was struggling to commute around this morning, but felt a little better at night.
Date: 3/24/98 TTB: 3:00AM Slept: 5 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 6.5 Performing: 7.5 Weight: 162 lbs Workout: Ride to Paoli with Ross and Kurt (and occasionally some women) 3:00 - 5:00 PM Rode to Paoli, up Observatory Rd. and back home. We did some sprints, two of them up hills. Pace-lined occasionally, but not too hard. easy pace most of the rest of the time ~2 hours HR zone: 30-200 ave HR: 149 BPM 1:00 above zone 1:50:00 in zone Comments: Spring is officially here! I was riding outside with shorts!! Today's workout was rather disorganized. I was supposed to do a sprint workout, but didn't really get that done. I did get some real sprints against real people, though, which is something I certainly can use. Either I was really on fire today, or Kurt and Ross were feeling really lousy. I was climbing particularly strongly, and pulling well. My sprinting was nothing to speak of, but that's no suprise. I just put air in my tires before the ride (I had been riding on rather low pressure).
Date: 3/25/98 Performing: 6.5 Workout: Zone 4 about 7:00 PM stretch 10 min warmup 30 min zone 4 10 min zone 2 10 min zone 4 10 min cool down stretch Comments: My HR rose slowly today, and leveled off in the 1st interval in the mid 190's. I did the last couple minutes of the 2nd inerval in zone 5. This was one of the hardest roller workouts I've done, and I'm happy to say that it wasn't that hard.
Date: 3/26/98 Performing: 6 Workout: VO2 Workout late afternoon Rode to highway M and back. There was a tremendous south wind. I did 6 efforts of a couple of minutes each zone 5 efforts, though my HR never got all that high Comments: I was actually going pretty fast considering the wind and my lowish HR today. I didn't feel very good while doing these intervals, but I supose they're not supposed to feel good.
Date: 3/27/98 TTB: 1:00 AM Slept: 7 hours Performing: 5 Weight: 166 lbs Workout: easy spin I rode out on MidTown rd. Ran into Bill Wildenberg and John Wilson and rode back in with them. The weather was pretty nice. ~25 miles, ~16 mph Comments: Just taking it easy before the race. Didn't wear my HRM.
Date: 3/28/98 Performing: 20 woohoo! Weight: 165 lbs Workout: GDVC spring crit 11:00 AM dist: ~19 miles avs: 24 mph ave HR: 187 BPM Comments: Broke away with Dave 10-15 min into the race, Jeremey Donatell bridged up and we caught Ben Neff and Jason, the lead group. I tried to give Dave a leadout at the end, but ended up leading out Jason and getting 5th, of course. This was my 2nd cat 3 race, I am very happy about it!
Date: 3/29/98 TTB: 1:00AM Slept: 6.5 hours Feeling: 6.5 Performing: 6.5 Weight: 167 lbs Workout: longish ride with a big group 10:00-2:00 Rode to Stoughton. Went easy mostly, with a couple of harder efforts mixed in. dist: ~60 miles (?) ave HR: ~145 Comments: Wanted a long easy ride and thet's pretty much what I got. The weather was the nicest I've seen so far this year. I was even a little sunburned! I wasn't really asking my body for too much today, but I did feel kind of weak on the hills compared to when I'm doing good.
Date: 3/30/98 TTB: 2:00 AM Slept: 5 hours Evening HR: 48 BPM Feeling: 4.5 Performing: Weight: 160 Workout: nothing Comments: I was determined not to eat anything today. I have to get serious about loosing some weight before the saeson gets going. I ate some fruit around dinner time because I was feeling prety light-headed and I needed to get a lab report done. I felt good riding around school today.
Date: 3/31/98 TTB: 12:30 Slept: 7.5 hours Morning HR: Feeling: 6.5 Performing: 6.5 Weight: 155 (in the morning, 165 later) Workout: Circuit training at the SERF 9:00-10:00 PM stretch do 3 circuits of my favorite curcuit training exercises 5 min exercycle cooldown stretch Comments: Maintainence lifting. I felt good. Not eating yesterday and then eating maybe too much today gave me an upset stomach, but it didn't give me much trouble lifting. I'm worried that I'm losing strength that I built over the winter.

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