Current Projects: University of Wisconsin - Madison
CS 766 - Computer Vision
  Assignment #1: Code - Question 2 (matlab-script) - Question 3 (zip)
  Install: Just run the script for question 2. For question 3, the main scripts to be run a called question3a.m, question3b.m and question 3c.m
  The desired images will be displayed using the scripts. NOTE: I use imshow here and there which REQUIRES THE IMAGE PROCESSING TOOLKIT, if you have a ghetto install of Matlab, don't come crying to me.
  For convenience the images are reproduced here (zipped).
  Assignment #2: Intelligent Scissors
  Code: zipped
  Images: I used a picture of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Myself and a rather startled looking chicken to create this:

We're having fried chicken tonight!
  The code provided was used to create the contours and masks for extracting out parts of each of these pictures while photoshop was used to composite everything into one image.
Past Projects: University of Wisconsin - Madison
CS 777 - Computer Animation
  Art Assignment #1: Still Rendering: Midnight Snack (.jpg), Happy/Sad Animation (.mb, .avi (zipped))
  Project #1: Read and Display BVH Animation Files (webpage)
  Project #2: Particle Mass-Spring Physics Simulation System (webpage)
  Project #3: Reading List
CS 679 - Game Programming
  Course Homepage
  Bolo Project Page
Past Projects: University of Arizona
Math 479 - Game Theory
  A Simple Pivot Utility for Tableau
ECE 369 - Microprocessor Organization: Final Project
  Computer Oriented Microprocessor Learning Aid
Missing Projects
There are projects which I have done in the past, but that I, for some odd reason, can no longer find. All of these were done at the University of Arizona
CSc 534 - Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics
- Project 1: Analysis of Moire Effect and Perlin Noise Implementation
- Project 2: Texture Manipulation
- Project 3: Voronoi Diagrams and the Graphics Hardware
CSc 453 - Compilers Final Project: An fully functional MODULA3 to SPARC assembly compiler/assembler written in Icon and C.
CSc 445 - Algorithms Bonus Project: Given a polygon (with some specific restrictions, though I have forgotten what they are) this finds and displays in 3D the optimal triangulation. Written in C++ and OpenGL.
CSc 330 - Final Project: QUBIC