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David A. Wood
Professor Emeritus
Sheldon B. Lubar Chair in Computer Sciences
Amar and Balinder Sohi Professor
Ph.D. Graduates:
- Jason Lowe-Power
- Nilay Vaish
- Marc Orr
- Muhammad Shoaib bin Altaf
- Joel Hestness
- Rathijit Sen
- Somayeh Sardashti
- Yasuko Watanabe
- Dan Gibson
- Kevin E. Moore
- Bradford M. Beckmann
- Alaa R. Alameldeen
- Daniel J. Sorin
Ph.D. December 2002,
Using Lightweight Checkpoint/Recovery to Improve the Availability and Designability of Shared Memory Multiprocessors,
first employment: Duke University. Ph.D. Graduates:
- Blake Hechtman, PhD 2014, first employment Oracle
- Meng Zhang, PhD 2013, first employment Oracle
- Fred Bower, PhD 2010, first employment IBM
- Bogdan Romanescu, PhD 2010, first position: Microsoft
- Anita Lungu, PhD 2009, first position PhD student in clinical pshpsychology, U. Washington
- Albert Meixner, Ph.D. 2008, first Employment: Nvidia
- Tong Li, Ph.D. 2005, first Employment Intel Research
- Babak Falsafi,
Ph.D. December 1997,
Fine-Grain Protocol Execution Mechanisms & Scheduling Policies on SMP Clusters,
first employment: Purdue University.
Ph.D. Graduates:
- Evangelos Vlachos, PhD (CMU), first appointment Oracle Labs
- Pejman Lotfi-Kamran, PhD (EPFL), first appointment IPM
- Sotiria Fytraki, PhD (EPFL), first appointment Maxeler
- Djordje Jevdjic, PhD (EPFL), Swiss NSF Postdoc Scholar
- Cansu Kaynak, PhD (EPFL), first appointment at Oracle Labs
- Onur Kocberber, PhD (EPFL), first appointment at Oracle Labs
- Stavros Volos, PhD (EPFL), first appointment at Microsoft Research
- Brian Gold, PhD (CMU) (first appointment at Sun Microsystems)
- Nikos Hardavellas, PhD (CMU) (first appointment at Northwestern University)
- Jangwoo Kim, PhD (CMU) (first appointment at Sun Microsystems)
- Stephen Somogyi, PhD (CMU) (first appointment at AMD)
- Thomas Wenisch, PhD (CMU) (first appointment at University of Michigan)
- Se-Hyun Yang, PhD (CMU) (first appointment at Samsung)
- Il Park (CMU), first employment: IBM
- Se-Hyun Yang (CMU), first
employment: Samsung
- An-Chow Lai PhD (Purdue), first employment: Intel
- Steven K. Reinhardt,
Ph.D. December 1996,
Mechanisms for Distributed Shared Memory,
first employment: University of Michigan.
Ph.D. Graduates:
- Kevin Lim, PhD 2010. First employment: HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA.
- Lisa Hsu, PhD 2009. First employment: AMD, Bellevue, WA.
- Ali Saidi, PhD 2009. First employment: ARM, Austin, TX.
- Nathan Binkert, PhD 2006. First employment: HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA.
- Erik G. Hallnor, PhD 2004. First employment: Intel, Hillsboro, OR.
- Steven E. Raasch, PhD 2004. First employment: Intel, Hudson, MA.
- Wei-Fen Lin, 2002, first employment: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Alvin R. Lebeck,
Ph.D. December 1995,
Tools and Techniques for Memory System Design and Analysis,
first employment: Duke University.
Ph.D. Graduates:
- Jun Pang (co-advised with C. Dwyer, Ph.D. 2013)
- Yang Liu (Ph.D. 2011 First Employment Oracle)
- Constantin Pistol (co-advised with C. Dwyer, Ph.D. 2009 First Employment Apple)
- Jaidev Patwardhan (Ph.D. 2006 First Employment MIPS)
- Tong Li (Ph.D. 2005 First Employment: Intel Research)
- Xiaob Fan (Ph.D. 2004 First Employment: Google)
- Heng Zeng (Ph.D. 2004 First Employment: Cisco)
- Mithuna Thottethodi, 2002, first employment: Purdue University.
- Srikanth Srinivasan, 2001, first employment: Intel MRL.
- Chia-Lin Yang, 2000, first employment: National Taiwan University.
Academic Genealogy
- Randy H. Katz
University of California, Berkeley 1980
Database Design and Translation for Multiple Data Models
- Eugene Wong
Ph.D. Princeton University 1959
Dissertation: Vector Stochastic
Processes in Problems of Communication Theory
- John Bowman Thomas
Ph.D. Stanford University 1955
On the Statistical Design of Demodulation Systems for Signals in Additive
Willis W. Harman
Ph.D. Stanford University 1948
Tunable Waveguide Cavity Resonators for Broadband Operation of Reflex
- Karl Ralph Spangenberg
Ph.D. The Ohio
State University 1937
Dissertation: The Effect
of Grid Current Flow Upon the Dynamic Characteristics of Vacuum Tube Power
- William Littell Everitt
Ph.D. The Ohio State University 1933
The Calculation and Design of Alternating Current Networks Employing
Triodes Operating During a Portion of a Cycle
Frederick Columbus Blake
Ph.D. Columbia University 1906
Dissertation: The Reflection and
Transmission of Electric Waves by Screens of Resonators and by Grids
- Ernest Fox Nichols
Sc.D. Cornell University 1897
Radiometric Researches in the Remote Infra-Red Spectrum
<Copy of a letter regarding
EF Nichols Sc.D. degree at Cornell>
- Edward Leamington Nichols
Ph.D. Georg-August-Universität
Göttingen 1879 Germany
Dissertation: Ueber das von
glühendem Platin ausgestrahlte Licht: Ein Beitrag zur allgemeinen
<Co-founded The Physical Review>
- More ancestry information (collected by a
distant academic cousin). This uses "academic influence", not just formal
advisor/advisee relationships. For example, this lists Heinrich Rubens as a
"co-parent" of Ernest Fox Nichols (Rubens was a co-author on two of the three
papers that made up Nichols' thesis).