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David A. Wood
Professor Emeritus
Sheldon B. Lubar Chair in Computer Sciences
Amar and Balinder Sohi Professor
Courses I have taught:
Waing list issues
If you are unable to enroll for a course that I teach and would like to clear the waiting list, send mail or see me in office hours to discuss whether you have sufficient priority to clear the waiting list. Priority is typically given, in descending order, to majors/CS graduate students that need a course to graduate, majors/CS graduate students, intended majors/CS graduate students, other students.
If space becomes available, you will be invited to enroll in the course. If you have difficulty enrolling in the course after receiving an invitation, follow the instructions below:
- Ensure you received an invitation at your WISC.EDU email address. If you have not received an invitation at your WISC.EDU email account, you have not been authorized to enroll in the course.
- Ensure your invitation has not expired. If it has, you will have to add yourself to the back of the waiting list.
- If you have a valid invitation, go to your student center. Select the course. Begin enrolling. Finish enrolling. Do NOT have the (paraphrased) "Put me on the waiting list" box checked.
- If you have a valid invitation and cannot successfully enroll using step 3, remove the class entirely from your basket and start over. Begin enrolling. Finish enrolling. Do not allow the check box (paraphrased) "Put me on the waiting list" to remain checked.
- If you have a valid invitation and still cannot successfully enroll using steps 3 or 4, please contact Perry Kivolowitz at perryk [AT] cs [DOT] wisc [DOT] edu.